Hamato Ivan

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Home: Earth, Japan, and New York City.

Birth home nation: Earth nation.

Aliases: Hamato Ivan

Age: 32

Nickname(s): Cheif/Master Ivan, Iv, and Father.

Date of birth: 2/18/2073

Abilities: Mastery of, Mocking, Master Nunchuck Fighter, Supernatural Perception, Wisecracks, and High Creativity.

Hobbies: Skateboarding, Video games, Videos, Dance, Shopping, Baking, and Making Parties.

Species: Mutant Turtle.

Likes: Seeing joyful faces, Playing with his kids, and bringing everyone together.

Dislikes: Darius Dunn, thinking about things, and being reminded.

Weapon(s) of choice: Ninja tech twin nunchucks.

Occupation: Chief of Earth, and Ninja

Affiliation: TMNT

Gender: Male

Eye color: Dark blue.

Era(s): Fast Forward, and Back to the Sewer.

Children: Mike (Son).

Voiced by: Jesse Hutch

Teacher(s): Michale (his father), The elders, and The great dragon spirits.

Student(s): Mike, and Earth Nation students.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Fast Forward: GenerationWhere stories live. Discover now