Hamato Talia

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Home: Earth, Japan, and New York City.

Birth home nation: Japan, nation flame.

Aliases: Hamato Talia

Age: 30

Nickname(s): Firelord/Sensei/Mistress Talia, Mother, and aunt/auntie Talia.

Date of birth: 8/10/2075

Abilities: Master of Ninjutsu, Kobudo, Durability, Acrobatics, Physical Prowess, Sarcasm, and Master of Kusarigama.

Hobbies: Jogging, Punching bags, Exercising, Push-ups, Pull up bars, Motorcycle driving/racing, Wood crafting, Wrestling, Archery, and Running.

Species: Mutant Turtle.

Likes: To be tough, Playing with her kids/nephews/nieces, Kicking butt, Motorcycles, Racing, Flame, and Seeing family/friends happy.

Dislikes: Darius Dunn, Hate people saying bad stuff about her friends/family, Seeing others get hurt, Being played, and Argument.

Weapon(s) of choice: Ninja tech Kusarigama.

Occupation: Firelord of Flame, Ninja, Racer, Wrestler, and Vigilante.

Affiliation: TMNT

Gender: Female.

Eye color: Dark Green

Bandana Color: Dark braided red.

Era(s): Fast Forward, and Back to the Sewer.

Voiced by: Morena Baccarin

Children: Ralph (Son), and Roxanne (Daughter).

Teacher(s): Trax/Racheal (her father and mother), The elders, and The great dragon spirits.

Student(s): Ralph and Roxanne, Cody Jones, and Flame nation students.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Fast Forward: Generationजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें