Hamato Beau

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Home: Earth, Japan, New York City, and Wind Nation.

Aliases: Hamato Beau

Age: 30

Nickname(s): Chieftess Beau, Mother, aunt/auntie Beau.

Date of birth: 12/26/2075

Abilities: High logic, Chemical and Medical, Computer Specialist, Mastery of a spear, and Driving.

Hobbies: Writing, Baking, Shopping, Calligraphy, handcraft, Singing, Cross stitch, Pottery, Sewing, Painting, Learning, Gardening, Drawing, Cleaning, and Cooking.

Species: Mutant Turtle.

Likes: Watching her family/friends having fun, Singing to her family, Writing stories of her family, Cleaning around the house, Fixing things, and having great times with her family.

Dislikes: Darius Dunn, Seeing arguments, and Seeing others hurt.

Weapon(s) of choice: Ninja tech spear.

Occupation: Chieftess of wind, and Ninja.

Affiliation: TMNT

Gender: Female.

Eye color: Sapphire.

Era(s): Fast Forward, and Back to the Sewer.

Voiced by: Ruby Rose

Children: Donnie (Son) and Daniella (Daughter).

Teacher(s): Klay (her husband).

Student(s): Donnie, Daniella, and wind nation students.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Fast Forward: GenerationDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora