Mona Lisa

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Home: Earth

Aliases: Mona Lisa

Age: 9

Nickname(s): Mona

Date of birth: 8/15/2094

Hobbies: Inventing high-tech suits, vehicles, and Jogging.

Species: Lizard

Likes: Repairing broken technologies, gymnastics, exercising, training, sparing with friends/family, and working all night at O'Neil tech.

Dislikes: Seeing Ralph sad, angry or frustrated, and seeing others hurt.

Crush: Hamato Ralph

Weapon(s) of choice: Laser Sword, Wrist Shooters, Tail, and Wrist blades.

Occupation: Intern at O'Neil Tech

Affiliation: TMNT

Gender: Female

Eye color: Green

Era(s): Fast Forward, and Back to the Sewer.

First appearance: Obsolete

Teacher(s): Ralph, Cody, Roxanne, Starlee, and Mr. Henzler (her father).

Hair: Dark brown

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