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Hamato Edwards backstory:

Hamato Edward is the son of Hamato Yoshi and he was the grandson of Leonardo, he was a prince of the Water nation, who will be next to take his father's place on the throne and become the new chief of the Water nation tribe, he was also a guardian of the dragon temple to protect a special gem from any evil that will attempt to use it for themselves. He was fully trained as a ninja and a guardian. He later met Luna's mother a heart-caring and loving woman who wears a white mask with braids, when he lay eyes on her his heart pounded so fast, and started to have these feelings for her. He decided to go up to her, once they've talked their conversation they started to have a connection with each other. Till one day he proposed to her and she accepted, they got married and became chief and chieftess of the water nation tribe.

Then in the year 2094 at age 22, Luna was born but her mother didn't make it while she was giving birth to Luna, so he made a promise to his wife to keep their daughter safe and trained. He started training her when she was 4 to become a strong leader and a guardian. He trained her in the three arts of Kung Fu/Martial arts and Karate to guard over the orb.

He loves his daughter so much and how blessed he is to have her in his life, and seeing her learning her ancestor's ways he could never be more proud of her in his life, he thought that he would be lost when his wife died but there was a part of her with him, he has Luna and the rest of his family in each nation he could count on. He knew that someday Luna will become a strong leader and chieftess of the water nation to protect their people and the gem including their family, he loved his beloved daughter including his people/his nation, and the rest of his family but one night something happened the night when Luna was about 7 years old, he called his family to take her including his nieces and nephews to his grandmother in New York City where she and her cousins will be safe and trained by Venus De Milo who was a very wise and skilled woman. When he told her what was happening to the nations she was shocked to hear about this, so she gave him a scroll and a map to find a way to stop this from happening and restore their nation, so their people can return to their homes and families. Venus swore to him that she will look after, protect Luna and train her, then he and the rest of his family from other nations have to complete the journey that their grandfathers started and they have to try to finish in the nations that were ruined and taken from them but the dragon gems were safe but he announced his people to evacuate and never come back until he knows how to fix it so he can return to his daughter once again, then he knows that something else is going on or someone behind all of it that made it all happen.

Hamato Luna's backstory:

When Luna was born she has her mother's looks and her father's fighting spirit. She was born in a tribe called Water where she was born as a princess, her father was the chief and leader of the land and tribe of Water, which was built a hundred years ago by her first ancestors Leonardo and Venus De Milo who were the ones who built the nation and tribe. Luna wears a yin and yang pendant that used to belong to her great-grandmother that was passed on to each of the family one by one of the first born children.

Edward trained her in the art of Kung Fu/Martial arts and Karate. Like her father, she has the ability to manipulate Chi's energy and becomes a very skilled warrior. Luna has been trained her whole life to become the magical orbs guardian, alongside her father. Luna has been learning the ways of being a strong leader and learning more from her ancestor's past, including training herself in one of the scrolls and books that were hundreds of years old and will someday become a strong chieftess when the time comes, she also loves her people and her beloved father who took really good care of her when her mother died, she never met her mother but what she does know about her is that she was a beautiful woman, who loves her home and people including her father, he tells her a lot of stories about her mother and he said that she reminds him of her mother.

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