Part 13

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Alone With You- The Brummies

<<< I just want to be alone with you, anything to be alone with you >>>


The next day, the two people sit with each other in the living room watching a show together. Neither of them have talked about Love or if she's leaving or anything along the lines. Everything is too perfect right now to burst their bubble. 

The front door swings open, making Love jump. Dream isn't worried, knowing all of his siblings and both of his parents have keys to his house. 

"Clay balls!" His little brother shouts as he enters the door, throwing his backpack on the floor. Dream groans, hating the nickname his sister, Claire, showed his little brother, Cameron. Love has a huge grin on her face after hearing the nickname. 

"If you don't have any cheeze-it's I am going to freak out," Claire announces loudly, making her way towards the kitchen, passing the living room on her way. She reverses as soon as she spots the couple sitting comfortably on the couch. "You're fucking kidding me," 

"Language," Dream laughs at her, jaw dropped at the fact that Love is currently in this house. Claire grabs Love's hand and begins pulling her off the couch. She can't help but laugh at the girl who is now taller than her. 

Claire drags Love into kitchen, making her sit down at the island and eat the snacks with her as she tells her all about what has been up since her and Love last talked. Claire used to believe that Love was her best friend. Love is the person that she would put down on all of her school papers as her best friend, the person she would invite for field trips and birthdays. Everything. She was devastated when Love was no longer around. 

"And I'm seeing this guy-" 

"What? Why don't I know about this?" Dream asks, just listening in and sitting next to Love. Claire turns to him as if he is intruding. 

"Are you Love? No? Quiet time." Love has to contain her laughter, hearing Claire's attitude towards her older brother. She rolls her eyes and turns back to the older woman, telling her all about a boy named Bentley that she met at a football game and has been talking to since. 

Love listens to it all, just happy to be here. To feel like she is once again a part of the best family she has ever known. Dream watches her listen to his little sister with nothing but her utmost attention and admiration. 

Claire talks for nearing 2 hours while eating. Love listens intently, Dream sits behind the both of them eavesdropping and occasionally chiming in before getting told to be quiet by his little sister. 

Cameron eventually comes out of Dream's office, headphone hair and all. "Hey Love," He says casually, coming over to steal the snacks the two girls have gathered. Claire attempts to swat him away but he is too fast. 

"Hey Cam," Love gives the kid a hug. Cam was a lot littler the last time Love had officially seen him. It makes her feel old, having seen both of these kids grow from newborns to somehow, functioning teens. 

"Can we go do something?" Cam asks, bored out of his mind after the video games. Dream, bored of Claire's constant updates to Love, agrees with his little brother. 

"Like what?" He asks the group, his hand on Love's shoulder. Claire stares at it, partially confused by the action. If he and Love were back together, someone would know. Love leans into Dream listening to the two younger kids brainstorm what they should do. 

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