The car came to a sudden stop, throwing both of us towards the seats in front of us, as soon as it happened, Niall instinctively pulled his hand off my thigh and grabbed me around the waist, yanking my body back against his rock solid figure. My eyes met his as he brushed away the loose strains of hair that now covered my face. Staring for a long moment, his arm was tightly wrapped around my midsection like a seat belt. He looked back at my face slowly, seeing my eyes that were studying his reaction, I was waiting for him to make a snarky remark or blow up in my face about it. All Niall did, though, was relax against the seat, pulling my body back with his, holding me against him tightly. His hands turning from protective to loving, his grip going from a solid hold to a gentile embrace. I blinked in surprise, looking up into his eyes, finding myself locked there, drowning in his stare. I kept staring at him with a surprised look, as he picked up my clutch. It had fallen and so did a couple of things that were in side, but I was so distracted by the encounter, I couldn't give a damn.

"Niall..." I barely whispered, watching his eyes soften at the way I said his name. 

My heart was pounding wildly in my chest at the interaction with Niall. As quickly as the interaction happened is as quickly as it faded, Niall suddenly stiffened, passing me my clutch with out giving me a second glance. In that same instant Paul had come around to opened the car doors for us, he was apologizing for the sudden stop but Niall didn't bother to stay and listen. He was the first one to shift to the door, jumping out and practically running away from me. There I was, left with nothing but a brief recollection of the events that just took place, a burning sensation on my lips, and a hurting heart.

I sat still for a moment, before I pulled my eyebrows together. That entire encounter left me even more confused then I already was, but it also left me wanting. I wanted Niall, possibly more now than I ever had before. With my mind silenced and my body filled with liquid courage, I was on my feet and moving to get out of the car before I could think twice about it.

I stopped only for a second so I could kick my heels off and scoop them up into my hand. With my bare feet pounding against the hotel floor loudly, I was running, I by passed everyone and stopped for no one. My eyes were locked on the slightly blond haired boy in front of me, my heart pounding from our encounter in the car.  I was chasing the only person I've met who's ever meant this much to me, grasping at the boy in that car who grabbed me from harm, with his fingers on my skin and his lips against mine. 

I was desperate, absolutely desperate to get him back, even if just for tonight, I didn't care. I needed him, ever since the day we met, I have always needed him.

"Niall." I breathed out, grabbing onto his wrist tightly and pulling him down a corridor to the left of everyone else. We were out of sight from the entire world at this moment, it was just him and me. His jaw was tense, his eyes staring down at my small hand that was wrapped as far around his wrist as it could, and he allowed me to tug him down the hall and up to a set of private elevators the hotel had.

"Kia?" Niall questioned.

"We need to talk about...about what just happened." I blurted out trying to catch my breath. "What...was that?" I asked, gesturing to the general area of where the car was parked in front of the hotel. He continued to stare down at my hand, not speaking. The elevator dinged, signalling it's arrival.

"Niall?" I repeated, tilting my head to try and see into his eyes. He averted them, his eyebrows pulling down in what looked like anger to me, or maybe frustration, I wasn't really sure at this point. With people coming down the hall. Niall quickly snapped back into reality, moving into the elevator gesturing me to follow and he pressed our floors number.

I didn't know why he jumped out of the car and ran away from me? I mean was it to hide the effects of sitting next to me for 20 whole fucking minutes. I didn't want him to know how much I wanted him. I couldn't help but wonder if he was feeling the same way. If he felt like he could barely breathe around me right now without thinking about kissing and touching me, because that is exactly how I was feeling. An old memory popped in my head, it was just before Niall and I started dating each other. I remember, after, him telling me how he tried desperately not to shove me against the wall and take me right then and there. He had that same look in his eyes that night as he does now. They were darker than usual and although they were lustful, they still held the familiar kind and loving look I fell in love with. The elevator dinged again, letting both us know we had reached our destination. Yet we stood still in the elevator doors for a moment. Our eyes locked on each other, Niall was the first to make a move out of the elevator and away from me, he started to slowly move down the hall. I had come too far to give up now, I wasn't going to let him off the hook that easily, not this time...

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