I'm So Grateful

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6:06 PM

I passed the bathroom mirror a moment ago, and my first thought was:

I look really healthy.

I do! My skin is glowing. My eyes are bright and youthful. I look well-rested and well-nourished. My lips are plump. My teeth are white. My hair is thick and voluminous. I look very, very healthy.

I'm just so grateful. Not only do I look healthy but I feel healthy. I eat well, I work out, I groom myself often, I keep my stress levels low, I'm in a healthy and happy relationship, and I'm continuously learning and growing. That's all I can ask for.

I'm especially grateful that I do not have depression. Depression is so common nowadays, and I've always been afraid of falling into a depressive state. I'm so blessed to live my life, but there are difficult times. For example, I recently found out the my car was totaled in a car accident last month. Did I mention that here? Anyway, I was down about that for a while because I've been unable to leave the house for about a month now (other than when my sister comes around, which is every once in a blue moon). I was so afraid of falling into a depression, but I have surprisingly adapted well to my situation. I've been cooking, cleaning, creating, working out, and learning despite being confined within the house Thankfully, I'm able to take scenic walks around the area and visit the community pool if I'd like. And most nights, I call my boyfriend and watch anime with him. I've been perfectly okay, especially since my car's currently being fixed for a cheaper price in my hometown (despite it being 'totaled'). My dad knows a guy.

Anyway, as I was saying, I'm so grateful that I do not have depression. I think it is because I feel as if I have a purpose. There are people online who absolutely adore my work, and I absolutely adore providing it to them. It's difficult at times but very fulfilling and creative. Perfect for me!

And I'm constantly learning and growing. I've been loving learning about nutrition for the past year or so. With so much free time, I'm able to try new recipes with new ingredients often. I've also been working out consistently, even if I can't give 100% every time. It's the habit that counts.

Speaking of habits, a girl raved about this book called Atomic Habits on Twitter, and I watched a couple of summaries about it on YouTube. (I know that it's better to read the book, but it's less time-consuming to listen to a summary while chopping vegetables for dinner. The book is all about how to build habits. I've used a few of those techniques to start building the habits that will be the foundation of my life. The habits that I build now, at age 22, will likely stick with me forever. And I want to make sure that they're good.

I'm gonna rest now. I'm tired of typing.

But really, I am grateful.

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