Hi? Updates.

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6:30 AM

Hi... It's been too long. A lot has changed since I last wrote. As usual, there's too much to explain at once. I've got about 20-30 minutes to write this entry because I have a flight home for winter break in about 10 hours. And I have yet to finish packing and styling my hair. I think I'll limit this entry to a couple of major updates.

1. My YouTube channel is continuing to take off, and I'm making more and more money each month. One of my videos recently exceeded 100k views! I'm gaining more patrons on Patreon also, which is where the bulk of my steady income comes from. My boyfriend is crazy supportive and believes that I can make YouTube and Patreon my full-time career if I work hard enough. He's got so much faith in me! I hope he's right. I think I'd absolutely wither away at a corporate job. I'm definitely more suited for self-employment.

2. My boyfriend got a high-paid internship in a different state this summer, and guess what? I'm moving in with him. Yup, he got a pretty nice relocation stipend, and he invited me to stay with him for the duration of his internship after I graduate. He thought it'd be good for me to work on my content in a supportive environment. (My mother's house is not a supportive environment for reasons that I will not delve into right now.)

I'm super nervous, but I feel ready. He and I have stayed together for extended periods of time before, and we've gotten pretty good at coexisting peacefully in the same space. I'm less worried about coexisting, more worried about driving. I have no choice but to begin driving now. I got my license awhile ago (see my first entry), but I've been afraid to drive alone ever since. Other than that, I feel pretty confident about moving away with him on my own. I'm fairly independent beyond money and transportation.

Ugh! I'm out of time. Why does it take me so long to write? I'm going to publish this now and add in the rest later, otherwise it'll never get published. Talk later!

1:48 PM

3. Honestly, do I have any other major updates? I mean, I got on birth control—and got off. The stuff drives me crazy! But I'm getting back on it after my next period. It's too risky to use condoms only. I can't afford to have a baby right now, and I don't want one right now. I want to live without the responsibility of a child for a few more years. My boyfriend agrees. We don't want children until we're financially secure and have experienced much more as a childless couple.

4. You want an update about that ENTP, don't you? I don't have a crush on him anymore. I never really did. He's my friend and only my friend. It was a weird phase, I think. I'm just glad it's over.

I think that's all that I can really think of right now. I have other tiny thoughts, but I don't really feel like writing about them. I'm tired today. I'm not looking forward to going "home." It's not really my home; it's just my hometown. You can read more about that in my past entires. I'm extremely hungry right now because all the dining places are closed, and there's no food in the fridge because I'm leaving for almost a month. I have to wait until I get to the airport to eat, and I'm afraid to ride in the Uber by myself today for some reason.

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