Chapter 53: Countdown before destruction (Part 1)

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Joshua: (hologram) Huh, so you did abandoned your sith ways huh? Well how disappointing of you. You always told me how weak I am to care about you and other life and how I must embrace the dark side so I can be stronger. Now here I am, I've embrace the dark side and now I lead a new age of the empire.

Gray: Look I'm sorry what I said and did to you but you must realise that this is wrong. Your going too fair and now your going to destroy a peaceful planet and for what? Power? Proofing to yourself to be the best?

Joshua: (hologram) I will do what is necessary to show the galaxy and true power. Now brother, will you stand with me, or against me?

Gray looks down onto the ground and slowly forms a fist and then he looks up at Joshua and tells him.

Gray: I rather die for my friends then joining you.

Joshua: (hologram) Then so be it. You have 15 minutes until the cannon is ready to fire. In the mean time, I will sent my fighters to clear all of you out!

The hologram call ends and seconds after tie fighters vly out of the hangers from each of the Star destroyers and fly towards the Republic fleets.

Shiki: Deploy fighters!

Witch: Right away! All fighters prepare for battle!

Soon all Republic fighters fly out of the hanger and once that they have a space battle as they shoot each other and shooting each other out as they was a few explosions. Republic fleets also fire their cannons at the Tie fighters and Star destroyers while the Star destroyers do the same.

It was a large space battle as fighters battle each other as bolts fly each other. We see a Republic fighter being chased by two tie fighters as they fly around Edens Zero and over the Republic ships before the tie fighters were blown up by incoming Republic support.

They return back to the battle feild as the cannon the Star destroyer MK 2 starts to move as it aims at the Republic fleet and start to charge up which Witch detected.

Witch: It looks like the cannons is charging. We only have 14 minutes and 45 seconds until it's done charging and fires.

Gray: Damn it. Guess I have no choice but to confront my brother face to face.

Pino: You sure your okay taking on your brother.

Gray: If I can't convince him to stop this then I have to stop him. Shiki, Weisz, Rebecca, Pino and Happy, you all are with me. We take the Republic gunship and make our way towards Joshua's flag ship.

Weisz: Well how are we gonna get pass this huge battle that is going on outside?

Hermit: There is a stealth gunship that you guys can use. It has a cloaking system.

Gray: Then that's the one we will take. Come on guys, let's stop my brother before he blows up Blue Garden.


We see Y/n's fleet exiting out of Hyper space. They arrived to the location as they see the huge Eternal empire ships all ready as we see Y/n, Flanker, Lancer and Connor as they see the massive fleet as Connor stretch the back of his head while he tells Y/n.

Connor: Guess you weren't kidding about this lady have a huge fleet. With that huge fleet, she might took over the whole galaxy.

Flanker: Let's hope that will not happen.

Lancer: So what's the plan Y/n?

Y/n: Flanker, Lancer, gather the troopers and get then ready on the gunships. Connor you stay here and maintain the fleet while we're gone. Report to me if anything happens.

Star wars OP Jedi male reader x Edens Zero: The galaxy's Jedi heroOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora