Bonus: Barry Original deleted death scene

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Takes place after many Barry vision chapters and before Edward's death

Barry was walking home late at night through the woods when he heard a branch snap.
"Hello?" Barry shouted in a deep loud voice.
Barry heard another branch snap and pulled out his iPhone.
He turned it on and the light shone onto many objects.
There were 20 zombies stood there in suits and posh clothes.
One of them raised a finger and pointed at him.
"Murderer" The zombie woman shouted.
The other 19 copied.
The woods echoed with 20 loud groaning voices screaming MURDERER at Barry.
Barry looked terrified and quickly took off running, dropping his iPhone onto the ground.

Barry kept running until he got onto a road and he stopped.
His jaw dropped and you could see the fear in his eyes and life drain from his body.
There it was, That Beach.

Barry slowly walked towards the beach, treading across the sand till he got to the ocean.
He saw a child version of himself with his baby sister.
"Ok you have to look after her" Barry heard his mum's voice echoing through his head.
"Barry I'm scared I don't want to go that far out" Barry's sister cried.
"I won't let anything happen to you I promise" Barry told her.
Suddenly, Barry's little sister burst out the water.
Barry jumped back and screamed as she slowly crawled out the water and across the sand towards him.
She was decomposing and rotting away and looked like a skeleton with water and seaweed all over her.
Her jaw was missing flesh and her eyes looked empty.
Her clothes were drenched and looked a really really light green with her leg snapped in half and dangling off with only tiny bits of skin holding it on.
She was reaching her hand out trying to grab him and struggling to crawl across the sand as her fingernails were peeling off and scraping against the sand.
Barry slowly stepped away from her looking terrified with tears in his eyes.
"Y-Y-YOU PROMISED ME" His sister screamed as water poured out her mouth.
Barry screamed as he fell into a huge hole in the sand.
Barry got up and started clawing at the sand wall trying to get up.
"Barry..." Barry heard a voice say in a deep low tone.
Barry slowly turned around as he saw a shadowy figure coming towards him.
"I-It was an accident" Barry muttered as he looked down with tears dropping onto the sandy floor.
The shadowy figure held Barry's head up with one hand as he raised the other above his face.

Barry's eyes went plain white as he started slowly levitating into the air, off of the sand.

The shadow shoved its hand down Barry's throat and he began choking.

Barry started bleeding out of all the holes in his body and his fingers started snapping into weird angles.
Barry's left leg snapped sideways and up and touched his hip. Barry's right arm snapped backwards and touched his back.

The shadowy figure quickly killed Barry.

Barry's head snapped a full 180 and he dropped onto the ground.
Smashing onto the sandy ground in front of the cold dark ocean waves.

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