Edward is found

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Will,Cyle and Steve were standing there talking to the police.
"Did you see anyone around or was Edward acting weird at all?" Officer Michaels asked them all.
"Um...well he actually was being a bit-" Cyle started telling them before Will interrupted.
"No he was acting fine" Will interrupted.
Cyle went quiet.
"Hey go ahead Kid we're listening" Officer Voltso told Cyle.
Cyle looked up at them and Will looked annoyed.
"Well...ever since we got to the library earlier that day he was acting really weird" Cyle muttered.
"Weird how?" Officer Voltso asked.
"He was acting as if something was after him like he looked scared...really really scared" Cyle explained.
"Do you have any idea why he might have been scared?" Officer Michaels asked him.
"Well...A few years ago at Tamara's party-" Cyle informed them before Officer Voltso cut in.
"Tamara Webber?" Officer Voltso asked sounding confused yet not confused at all at the same time.
"Y-Yeah...Tamara Webber" Cyle told him.

Maxine,Cindy and Andy turnt up and ran over to them.
"Hey we heard what happened to Edward I'm so sorry" Maxine told Cyle,Steve and Will.
"Yeah can't believe the first girlfriend he got killed him" Cindy muttered.
Everyone looked at her confused.
"Get it? Because his back was broke" Cindy told them while awkwardly laughing.
Everyone stared at her silently.
Cindy awkwardly looked at the floor.
"So Anyway" Andy interrupted.
"Look we gotta do something I don't want the same thing that happened to Kinsey AND Edward to happen to us" Cindy shouted at Andy, Cyle, Maxine, Steve and Will.
"We gotta look more into Carter fields" Maxine responded.
"Sorry who?" Will asked.
"Don't worry about it" Andy quickly told Will.
"Yeah...please...I-Include us" Cyle muttered.
Steve just stood there.
"Look it's not that we don't like you we actually really like you guys...some of you...it's just if we let you get involved and more of you die we won't forgive ourselves" Cindy explained to Will,Cyle and Steve.
Cyle smiled and looked at the ground.
"OH FUCK OFF" Will shouted at her.
Cyle looked up at Will ,looking angry, and went to say something but was too scared so he just looked down at the floor.
Maxine noticed it but didn't want to call out Cyle so she just stayed quiet.
"Fuck this come on Cyle and Steve let's go" Will shouted and stormed off with Steve following.
Cyle looked at everyone and waved goodbye before quickly running after Will and Steve.

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