Cindy Pines meets Jason

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The bell rung and everyone left the lesson.
Kinsey walked down the hallway looking at the floor holding her neck. Kinsey walked past Maxine and Cindy. Maxine looked back and looked really confused why Kinsey was acting weird but Cindy interrupted it.
"Are you even listening?" Cindy shouted.
"Huh?" Maxine muttered after snapping back to reality.
"My birthday party are you coming?" Cindy asked.
"Oh yeah of course" Maxine stuttered.
"Oh shit we should go to the alleyway Maya and Angelica are probably waiting there" Cindy told Maxine.
"OH YEAH" Maxine shouted.
Maxine and Cindy started running towards the entrance to the playground, passing Cyle, Will, Edward and Steve.
"Oh guys maybe we could ask them" Steve suggested.
"Steve shut the fuck up man" Will shouted.
Steve looked at the floor in silence while Edward messed with his video camera and Cyle did his maths homework.
Will smacked Cyle's maths book onto the floor and got up out of his chair.
"Fine let's go ask them" Will moaned.
Everyone just stared at him looking confused.
"COME ON THEN" Will shouted aggressively.
Everyone quickly jumped up and followed him outside.
Cindy and Maxine went round to the back of the school and to a alleyway where they hang out at lunchtime and break time with their friends Angelica and Maya. Maxine and Cindy turned the corner and saw 2 boys hanging out with them.
Harrison was Cindy's brother but Maxine and Cindy didn't recognise the other boy.
"Oh guys this is my childhood best friend Jason he just moved here" Maya told them both.
"Hi I'm Jason" The boy said politely and stuck his hand out.
Maxine shaked his hand but Cindy just looked at him like a weirdo.
Jason awkwardly backed away from Cindy.
"Sorry Cindy I'll go if you want me to" Harrison told her.
"YES PLEASE GO" Cindy shouted and pointed to the door to go back inside.
Will,Steve,Edward and Cyle tapped Maxine on the shoulder.
Everyone turned and looked at them.
"Yo so we was wondering if you wanted to come to this after school club with us today and like hang out because we need more members" Will told Maxine.
"Ew no" Cindy laughed.
"I mean....Alright" Maxine muttered.
"WHAT? NO MAXINE" Cindy shouted at her.
"It's actually quite fun" Steve informed them.
Will punched him and muttered "shut the fuck up Steve".
"I'll come" Harrison shouted.
"Same" Maya also shouted.
Angelica and Jason also said they were going.
"Fucking Fine Fine I'll go" Cindy shouted sounding really annoyed.
"WAIT REALLY? I mean cool cool that's fine babygirl" Will replied trying to seem cool.
Cindy facepalmed.

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