Bathroom talk

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Maxine burst into the bathroom and washed her face in the sink.
"Maxine..." A really deep voice mutter behind her.
Maxine looked up and saw the whole bathroom floor was covered in blood and she heard loads of people screaming.
"No no please" Maxine whispered and closed her eyes tight.
She opened her eyes again and it was back to normal.
Maxine was about to leave when she heard a phone ringing.
"Shut up shut up" She heard a voice shout sounding really upset.
Maxine opened one of the stalls and Kinsey was sat on the floor looking up at her with tears in her eyes.
"Are you ok?" Maxine asked her sounding really concerned.
"Do I look ok?" Kinsey laughed.
Maxine sat down next to her.
"So you gonna tell me what's up?" Maxine asked Kinsey and Kinsey looked up at her looking unsure.
"Do you ever feel like you've got this massive thing bottled up inside you but you can't tell anyone?" Kinsey muttered.
"Well I did but after I told everyone they supported me and I felt better" Maxine told Kinsey.
"Why? What happened? If it's ok for me to ask" Kinsey responded.
"Well a year ago I used to live in park barns yeah that place where all the murders took place and the 4th massacre I was apart of. I saw loads of my friends die and it was even revealed one of my closest friends was the killer. The way I survived was...." Maxine explained but stopped and started crying and shaking thinking about it.
Kinsey looked at her and put her hand on hers.
Maxine looked up at her and started taking deep breaths.
"There were 2 killers and I.......covered myself in my dead friends blood and layed on the floor" Maxine told Kinsey then burst out crying.
Kinsey hugged Maxine.
Maxine stopped crying and wiped the tears out her eyes.
"My secret is not as bad as yours well wasn't as bad since u told everyone u don't have a secret but um I'm gay.....but I can't tell my family especially not my brother Brad he's so homophobic and everyone will judge me if I come out" Kinsey cried.
"Kinsey no they won't so many people will support you don't worry" Maxine told Kinsey.
"Thanks" Kinsey smiled at her.
Suddenly, Cyle burst in.
"AH WHAT THE FUCK CYLE" Maxine and Kinsey shouted and got up.
"Sorry very sorry girls I mean um guys but ur not guys but um....Will requested u come back....please" Cyle told them acting really awkward and scared.
"Sorry I shouted at you Cyle you just scared us" Maxine apologised.
Kinsey nodded her head while holding her key necklace.
"It's fine" Cyle awkwardly laughed and everyone left the bathroom.

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