Another one of the taken

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Nick,Brad,Todd,Terry and Barry walked along the road till they noticed Andy walking home.
"HEY!" Brad shouted.
"Fuck fuck fuck" Andy muttered as he quickly picked up running.
They chased him to a bridge over a river.
Terry quickly sprinted as fast as he could and jumped on Andy, knocking him to the ground.
Nick,Brad and Terry picked him up and pushed him against the railings of the bridge.
Brad started punching Andy, his knuckles smashing into his jaw over and over.
"WHY DID YOU DO IT?" Brad screamed in Andy's face.
Terry smashed his fist into Andy's stomach, winding him and causing him to fall on the floor.
Andy got up struggling to stand properly.
"GET UP YOU LITTLE BITCH" Terry laughed.
Andy got filled with anger and screamed as he swung his fist and punched Terry in the side of his face.
Terry fell back and wiped blood from his nose.
"You're fucking dead Drameh" Terry told Andy.
Andy quickly turned around and climbed over the railing.
"WOAH FUCK ANDY" Todd shouted.
"YO WHAT THE FUCK" Barry screamed.
Andy took a deep breath and jumped off the bridge, splashing into the deep water bellow.
Everyone ran over to look over the railings.
"HOLY SHIT" Brad shouted.
"We gotta go after him" Nick told everyone.
"Fuck that I'm not jumping in there" Barry answered.
"Where does the current lead you to?" Terry asked.
"The old abandoned mines" Brad muttered.
Terry pulled out his gun and took off running leaving everyone confused if they should go after him.

Terry got to the mines and pulled out his phone to use the torch before shouting "FUCK" as he saw it was out of battery.
Terry saw the entrance was barricaded up with wooden planks.
Terry stepped back then kicked the wooden planks, smashing through them and breaking them off the wall.
Terry slowly walked in.
"Andyyyyy..." Terry muttered as his voice echoed around the empty cold mine shafts.
Terry shot his pistol giving him a flash of light to see where he was going, the gun shot echoed around the silent hallways.
Terry heard something scurry past him and quickly swung round and shot his gun.
"Fuck" Terry muttered as he slowly walked backwards with his gun aimed at the darkness.
Terry slowly backed away but accidentally lost his footing.
He fell backwards and hit the ground hard on the floor below.
"Ah fuck" Terry muttered as he lay on the dirt looking up at the platform he fell off.
Terry got up and started jumping trying to reach the platform but couldn't.
Terry started freaking out, he was breathing heavily and his heart was beating really fast.
His clothes were dirty and sweaty.
Terry started running through the massive system of mine tunnel trying to find someone to help him get up.
"Terry..." Terry heard a whisper echo down the tunnel.
He quickly drew his gun out and aimed at the darkness in front of him.
"Terry..." he heard the voice echo again sounding like it was closer to him.
Terry fired the gun and in the bright flash he saw someone standing there.
Terry jumped and suddenly fear shot into his body.
He fired 5 more times so he could see the person and he froze in fear.
Standing there was a man.
The man was wearing a suit and black swept hair.
His eyes were squinted with really big eyebrows raised stretching the skin above his eyes.
He was smiling and his smile looked really long and the cheeks were stretched to the side.
He looked almost normal but he could tell he wasn't a real person.
The man wasn't human.
Terry screamed and started running through the darkness trying to get out the tunnels.
Eventually, Terry got to a cliff and at the bottom he saw hundreds of skeletons.
Some kids, some teenagers, some adults and even some babies and animals.
Terry stood there staring in shock before quickly spinning around when he heard footsteps.
He heard footsteps coming towards him from the abyss of the tunnel.
Terry tried to fire his gun but he was out of bullets.
"No no no no no fuck fuck" Terry muttered sounding really desperate and hitting the gun trying to get it to work.
Terry heard the footsteps stop and stared at the tunnel.
Suddenly, a creature with massive eyes and a massive wide stretched open mouth full of billions of razor sharp teeth ran at Terry and jumped on him.
Blood splattered against the wall and his gun fell to the floor.

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