Kinsey joins the beast

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Kinsey,Maxine and Cyle returned to the classroom.
"Ah you're back...wait who's this?" Will shouted.
"This is Kinsey she was sad so please be nice to her" Maxine informed everyone.
Kinsey waved at everyone.
"Right let's put on a film" Maya told everyone.
"Excuse me...haha um...ARE YOU IN CHARGE OF THIS ROOM?" Will shouted.
Jason jumped and looked embarrassed hoping no one noticed.
Angelica laughed.
"Wait where's Cindy?" Maxine asked.
"She went to go to her date with Brad" Cyle explained to Maxine.
"Ah alright" Maxine responded and smiled at Cyle.
Andy came into the room and looked confused.
"Um are you guys even allowed here?" Andy asked.
Maxine smiled and looked genuinely happy to see him.
"WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU?" Will screamed looking absolutely furious.
"Well I was staying for a after school detention and you need to watch who you are speaking to damn" Andy shouted.
"Excuse me sir that's not very kind" Cyle muttered to Andy.
"SHUT UP CYLE" Will shouted in his face.
"I was joking about the game boy thing I know it's not actually a tiny boy" Maya interrupted while holding her necklace looking scared.
Kinsey heard a clicking noise coming from outside and stared slowly walking towards the window.
Suddenly, the arguing stopped and the whole world went dead silent.
Kinsey kept looking outside at the night sky but quickly spun around when she realised everyone had vanished.
Kinsey was quickly filled with adrenaline and fear when she saw a smiling woman in the doorway.
The smiling woman started swaying side to side as if she was dancing.
Kinsey couldn't see the top part of the smiling woman's face it was just her smiling mouth that was visible.
The woman quickly disappeared behind the doorframe.
Kinsey turned around hesitantly when she started hearing kids laughter outside.
It was sunny outside and she saw her as a child playing with another girl. They were in a sand pit and were building a sand castle together.
"I hear by name this kingdom the castle of Kinsey and Amber land" Child Kinsey laughed.
She watched them grow up into teenagers and have loads of fun together. They went to parties and played video games together at each other's houses and had sleepovers together. Amber told Kinsey multiple times that she might date her knowing full well Kinsey had a crush on her leading to THAT day...

One day, Kinsey and Amber went to this guy Peter's house for a party.
"Promise you won't ditch me" Kinsey asked Amber.
"Omg Kinsey how much do I love you?" Amber asked her.
"Um a lot" Kinsey responded.
"Exactly so I wouldn't leave you" Amber laughed.
The door opened and Peter the fucking dream boy was there everyone loved him because he was hot and rich but he sucked.
Kinsey walked and it was packed.
Just like Kinsey predicted, Amber ran off.
Kinsey was left all alone that night.
At the end of the party Kinsey went to left and was walking home at night through the pouring rain.
Kinsey stopped when she saw Amber kissing Peter than waved bye to him and he walked off.
Kinsey was filled with anger and betrayal and stormed up to her.
"WHAT THE FUCK" Kinsey screamed and pushed Amber as thunder blasted loud in the sky.
"WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM?" Amber shouted.
"ITS NOT MY FAULT YOU DONT LIKE BOYS" Amber shouted in her face and Kinsey went quiet.
Amber pushed past her and walked off leaving Kinsey alone crying in the rain.

Kinsey saw all that happening through a window in the classroom but as Amber stormed off a massive shadow man appeared in front of the window.
Kinsey screamed and ran over to the classroom door but it slammed shut and locked.
Kinsey was frantically pulling on the door handle screaming and freaking out.
"P-PLEASE OPEN PLEASE OH FUCK" Kinsey screamed and started banging on the glass screaming for help.
"Kinsey..." the shadow muttered.
Kinsey turned around breathing heavily and shaking.
"Why do you run Kinsey?" The shadow asked her.
"WHAT DO YOU WANT?" Kinsey cried.
The shadow tilted its head.
"I want you to be free" The shadow told her before raising its hand up to her face.

"Will chill out man" Harrison told him.
"For real" Maya agreed with Harrison.
"KINSEY LETS GO" Will shouted and grabbed her shoulder.
Kinsey didn't respond.
"Yo Kinsey come on" Will told her and started shaking her.
Maxine ran over to Kinsey.
"KINSEY KINSEY ARE YOU OK?" Maxine screamed and started shaking her.
Kinsey was just looking at the floor with her eyes shut.

Kinsey was shaking and crying as the shadow shoved its hand down her mouth. Kinsey was choking and struggling to breathe.

Suddenly, everyone jumped back and watched in horror as her eyes opened and they were pure white.
Kinsey started floating.
Everyone was screaming and shouting not knowing what to do.
Kinsey's mouth opened and her eyes,mouth,nose and ears started pouring with blood.

Kinsey was really struggling to breathe and she felt like she was drowning. Her mouth was filled with this metallic blood taste.

Kinsey hung there as everyone screamed until she was finally put out of her misery when her head imploded and she dropped to the ground.

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