Cyle sees the beast

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Cyle and Will were sat in McDonald's eating cheeseburgers, nuggets and chips while Cyle held a bag of frozen peas to his face.
Cyle was really badly beaten with a black eye and bruises all over him.
"Oh yeah sorry about that whole thing" Will laughed with a mouth full of food.
Cyle glared at him before looking at his nuggets.
"You're not eating?" Will asked.
"No I feel sic-" Cyle started speaking but Will interrupted by leaning over and stealing them all.
"Thanks" Will laughed as he started eating them.
Cyle just looked at the floor.
"Should of gone with Steve" Cyle muttered.
"What did you say?" Will shouted.
Cyle looked up at him.
"N-Nothing" Cyle responded looking scared.
"Fuck Steve I hope his bones get snapped the fucking prick" Will told Cyle while eating his burger.
Cyle looked angry and stood up.
"I gotta go toilet" Cyle told Will before storming to the boy's bathroom.

Cyle burst into the bathroom and put his hands on the sink looking himself in the mirror.
Cyle pulled out his inhaler and puffed it into his mouth before leaning his head down on the side of the sink.
Cyle started crying and shaking.
"FUCK" Cyle screamed and punched the sink.
"You're a coward..." Cyle heard a voice mutter from the cubicle behind him.
"No y-you're just a voice in the back of my head" Cyle muttered.
Suddenly, the cubicle behind him burst open and Cyle swung around.
He saw a long tunnel in the cubicle with a green door at the end of it.
The tunnel's walls,ceilings and floor were dirt and had tree roots growing along it.
Cyle started slowly walking through the tunnel trembling as his shoes crunched against the dirt.
"This...This can't be real this isn't real" Cyle kept repeating to himself.
Cyle reached the door and slowly creaked it open.
Cyle's eyes widened as he saw the circle of a dead kids with the pentagram in the middle but this time it was different.
A shadow was in the middle of the pentagram and dead people surrounding the shadow consisted of Kinsey,Edward,Terry,Nick,Cyle,Will,Cindy,Maxine,Barry and Billy all brutally killed in different ways.
Cindy suddenly jumped up and blood started pouring out her mouth.
Cindy was making gurgling noises and choking on her own blood while reaching out her hand for Cyle to help her.
The scent of blood filled the air.
Suddenly, the shadow reached out one hand and pointed it at Cindy.
Her head snapped backwards and she fell back onto the floor causing Cyle to jump back and scream.
The shadow stood up and slowly turned around.
Cyle turned and the door was gone.
Cyle stared at the shadow looking terrified as it slowly walked toward him.

Suddenly, Cyle opened his eyes and he was back in the bathroom.
Will burst into the bathroom and Cyle quickly turned to look at him.
"Why are you taking so long?" Will shouted.

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