Andy washes up in the mines

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The river lead through a pipe and threw Andy into a lake down the mines.
Andy got out the water coughing and struggling to breathe.
"Where the...what the...oh my god" Andy muttered.
His clothes were absolutely drenched in water.
He started slowly making his way through the tunnels of the mines.
Andy accidentally tripped and fell into some water.
Andy was searching through the water feeling the bottom of it before he saw something float up.
It was a decomposed decapitated head.
Andy screamed and quickly got up.
He heard footsteps running echoing through the tunnel and quickly started running.
Andy kept falling as splashed through the water to get to the end of the tunnel.
He heard the footsteps getting closer and quickly hid in a dark corner of the tunnel and crouched down.
Andy saw a tall skinny pale creature stand right in front of where he was.
Andy held his breath as the creature looked around.
It had wide eyes and a stretched open mouth full of bloody razor sharp teeth.
It's arms were really long and it's fingers were long and sharp like claws.
It's head started spinning around super fast like it was glitching as it let out a loud high pitched unnatural scream.
It turned around and started walking back down the tunnel and away from Andy.
Andy slowly got up and looked both ways to see if the creature was near by before getting up and sprinting to the exit.
Andy heard the monsters scream and running footsteps but just kept running without looking back.
He got to a lift and quickly got in.
"QUICKLY QUICKLY" Andy screamed as he spammed the lift's buttons.
The doors closed just as the creature reached the lift.
It started sticking its hands through the bars trying to grab Andy and screaming it's high pitched scream.
Andy sat down in the corner of the lift breathing heavily and kicking at its hands.
The lift wasn't working and didn't move anywhere.
The lift door's started slowly opening again.
Andy freaked out and quickly took off his hoodie.
He tied it really tight between the bars of the lift's doors to hold it shut before sitting back in the corner and relaxing a bit knowing the creature couldn't get him.
Now all he could do is hope someone would find him but no one had been down those mines in years.

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