The gunshop

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The gang walked into a gunshop.
"Ok just act casual" Maxine whispered to everyone.
Everyone walked up to the counter.
A black haired emo girl was at the counter wearing a green shirt and black trousers with a name tag that read 'Carley'.
"Hi welcome to a shop that has guns but there is other stuff that aren't guns that you can buy but you probably want guns most people do" Carley said to Maxine looking really bored and uninterested.
"Yes um we would like to buy some weapons please" Maxine explained to Carley.
"Yep that's what a gun shop is for" Carley laughed.
Suddenly, a black boy with a Afro and a green shirt with a name tag saying 'Robbie' burst through a door behind the counter along with another boy with long curly blonde hair and a beanie topped off with a green shirt and a name tag saying 'Joseph'.
"What the fuck are you two doing?" Carley shouted at them both.
"Basically me and Joseph t-told the boss that his computer was voice activated and now..." Robbie told Carley trying really hard not to laugh.
"HE'S JUST THERE SHOUTING AT HIS COMPUTER" Joseph finished and Robbie and Joseph burst out hysterically laughing.
"For fuck sake" Carley muttered and facepalmed.
"Wait don't I know you from somewhere?" Robbie shouted and pointed at Maxine.
"I don't think so" Maxine replied smiling.
"No actually I do know you your Maxine Hanover you survived that school massacre" Robbie answered.
Maxine suddenly started hearing children screaming and thought about it all.
Suddenly, she snapped out of it as Harrison slammed a huge heavy Machine gun onto the counter.
"Do you even know what that is?" Carley asked Harrison.
"Nope" Harrison muttered.
Carley looked at everyone.
"Ok I'm going to need to see id" Carley told everyone.
Everyone froze and looked at each other scared.
"Fear not chaps I've got this" Billy told everyone while smug smiling as he pulled out his fake id and gave it to Carley.
Carley stared at it for ages before looking back up at Billy.
"This is fake Isn't it?" Carley muttered.
"N-No what do you mean?" Billy stuttered and started sweating.
"Look I get it I used to do shit like this when I was your age so I'll do you a deal I'll let you get all this stuff and I won't call the police or whatever we're supposed to do in these situations if you tell me what you are buying and why" Carley explained to everyone.
Maxine ran and grabbed a shotgun and slammed it on the counter.
"We're hunting a monster" Maxine told her.
Carley raised one eyebrow and laughed.
She stood up straight.
"Cash or card?" Carley asked.

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