Nick and Satan

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Nick was walking off, still pissed off at Brad, and walked past the mines.
"NICK" Nick heard Terry's voice shout.
"Terry?" Nick shouted back sounding confused.
He quickly ran into the mines.
Nick turned on the light from his iPhone which illuminated the tunnel.
Nick slowly walked through treading through small patches of water.
Nick suddenly lost his footing and tumbled down a streap drop.
He hit the ground really hard and searched around the floor trying to find his phone.
He found his phone and when he got up he jumped back screaming when he saw a ripped apart decapitated body.
The body had it's head gone and stomach ripped apart with it's guts spread everywhere and mangled.
Nick realised that the body looked exactly like what Terry was last seen wearing.
The bodies arms had its bones snapped and pointing in unnatural ways with chunks of the skin missing from them.
Nick heard whispers saying his name.
Suddenly, he saw a glowing rock.
Nick slowly walked over looking terrified.
He touched it and his head snapped upwards.
His eyes turned plain white as a shadow went into his body.
Nick suddenly turned back to normal, or so it seemed.

Will heard a bang on his front door.
"Ok chill out" Will shouted and walked over to his front door.
Will opened the door and was confused when he saw Nick there.
He was really sweaty and breathing heavily and stared Will down with this psychotic look in his eyes.
"Um you ok man?" Will asked.
Nick didn't respond.
"Ok look fuck this man I've had a horrible few days all my friends have fucking left me so can you just fuck off man I'm really not in the mood like we get it you want to avenge Kinsey so that Brad loves you we all know you're fucking gay for Brad man so just fuck off yeah" Will shouted in Nick's face.
Nick clenched his fists up and started shaking looking absolutely furious.
"Dude get the fuck off my doorstep before I call the fucking police fucking retard man" Will laughed.
Nick reached into his pocket and pulled out a switchblade.
"What the fuck are you gonna do?" Will laughed before Nick charged at him and stabbed him in the stomach.
Will jumped back with the knife stuck in his stomach and breathing heavily.
"W-WHAT THE FUCK DUDE" Will shouted while breathing really heavily and hyperventilating.
Nick charged at Will and tackled him onto the ground.
Will screamed and cried as there was several loud bangs from inside the house and blood splattered against the walls and his front door.
Will let out a loud scream before there was a loud bang and a crunch like someone smashing a pumpkin by stamping on it really hard.
After that it was silent except the sound of Nick grunting and breathing heavily.

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