A lead

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Maxine, Cindy, Andy, Jason, Angelica, Maya, Billy and Harrison turned up at Billy's house.
"Yeah make yourselves at home" Billy explained.
There was newspapers and books everywhere.
"You're a nerd" Jason laughed and Maya punched him.
Billy awkwardly laughed then went quiet.
Everyone started searching through the newspapers trying to find a lead.
After about half an hour, everyone gave up.
"This is useless why can't we go to a library? that would make more sense!" Maya moaned.
Everyone started to argue except Harrison who slowly walked over to a newspaper.
"HEY GUYS" Harrison shouted.
Everyone gathered around him to see it.
"Holy shit" Cindy muttered.
On the newspaper it read:


The kidnapper who was responsible for killing 18 children was found in his apartment, Forensics believe he killed himself as a pentagram was found on the floor along with a bloody knife and a circle of dead children.

"Wait wait wait wait you are trying to tell me some child murderer from the 90s has come back as a ghost?" Jason shouted.
"Basically..." Harrison muttered.

Police found one child, Caleb
"Wait One kid is still alive" Maxine told everyone.
"Omg he must be like 156 years old now" Jason shouted.
Everyone looked at him.
"How the fuck have you worked that out?" Angelica laughed.
"Can we stay the night here?" Maxine asked.
"Yeah u guys should text ur parents" Billy explained.

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