Edward joins the beast

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Edward,Steve,Will and Cyle were walking to Will's house.
Edward looked really tired and scared.
They got to Will's house and stopped.
"Hey Edward can u wait here we need a private conversation" Will told Edward.
"But..." Edward muttered before they all walked off.
"What is wrong with Edward he's such a weirdo" Will laughed.
Edward heard crying echoing down the street.
All the lampposts started to flicker really quickly.
"No no no" Edward muttered.
The sky lit up with thunder and he saw a massive shadow figure floating in the air.
Edward screamed and ran off.

Edward was running for ages until eventually he stopped on a road.
Tamara was standing there.
Her skin was rotted and you could see her bones through her melting skin.
"You...killed...me" Tamara muttered.
"No you killed yourself" Edward told her.
"And why is that?" Tamara laughed.
"YOU KILLED ME" Tamara screamed.
Loads of zombified versions of everyone he knew started coming towards him.
"YOU KILLED ME" A zombie Maxine screamed along with all Maxine's friends and the football team and all Edward's friends.
"YOU KILLED M-M-ME" A zombie Cyle stuttered as his mouth was melting and dripping onto the floor.
Edward started to back away looking terrified.
"No no no no no" Edward screamed.
He screamed as he fell backwards into a hole.
He tried to get up but he couldn't.
"NO NO NO NO NO CYLE WILL HELP SOMEONE SOMEONE HELP" Edward screamed trying to get up.
"Edward..." A voice muttered in a really deep tone.
Edward started to cry and sweat was pouring off him.
He was breathing heavily and struggling to breathe.
The shadow figure stood over him looking down at him...like how he was looking down at her.
"I'm sorry I'm sorry" Edward cried.
The shadow looked angry and raised it's hand above Edward's terrified face.

Edward was struggling to breathe as his feet lifted off the ground and he started floating slowly up into the air.
"Guys...where's Edward?" Cyle asked Will.
"Fucking idiot I told him to stay there" Will shouted.

Edward started to lift into the air while laying down as the shadow went into him.
His mouth filled with a metallic taste and he felt like he was drowning.

Edward's eyes,nose,mouth,ears,fingernails and toenails started to pour with fountains of blood as blood got all down his clothes.

The shadow threw Edward back down onto the floor.

Edward's neck snapped backwards, his glasses went flying onto the floor and smashed and his mouth opened with blood gushing out of it.
His spine snapped backwards and he folded in half.
His legs snapped sideways.
His arms snapped backwards.

Edward took one last breath of air...

As his head imploded and blood exploded out his mouth and nose.
The top left of his head sunk into itself and he fell to the floor.
There was a loud smash as he hit the ground.

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