Chapter 50 - Next Path

Start from the beginning

"That's great! I-I'm sure that he'll be happy to s-see you!"

"Indeed. I don't see him very often after all." Cebrail's eyes shift to Angela's clothing which hadn't grown in skimpiness since the last time they had met. "Speaking of my uncle, how is it going?"

"Huh? Ho-How is w-what going?" Angela asked nervously her eyes shifting from here to there.

"Obviously I mean your relationship with uncle Raphael. Have you gotten any closer to him?" Cebrail asked with genuine interest.

"Umm... yes?"

"...That didn't sound very certain..."

"W-Well! Umm... I-I got promoted to the chief of Light Power Research so my o-office is in t-the same... hallway... as... him..." Angela had initially sounded rather proud of herself until in the middle of the sentence when she looked at Cebrail and saw her face tightened up like she was trying her very hardest not to scold Angela.

"Don't you like uncle Raphael?"

"Y-Yes..." Angela twiddled her fingers together nervously like a schoolgirl.

"Then you shouldn't just settle for being close to him physically, you need to start enticing him properly." Cebrail scolds her lightly while wagging her finger as though she were the adult in this situation. She even stopped and took the woman by her collar. "Here."

She unbuttoned Angela's shirt to the point in which her outfit was only just barely covering her lace black bra underneath.


"And here take this." Cebrail pulled out a book titled "Fifty Shades of the Giga Chad." and handed it to Angela.

"Take this too." The Seraphim Princess pulled out another book called, "Fifty Shades of the Gyaru Arts." which detailed the art of being a Gyaru.

"Ummm, ummm, Princess, I don't think-"

"Don't worry Angela, I'm supporting you." Cebrail gave the Angel researcher a thumbs up causing Angela to tear up a bit.

"I w-won't let y-you down P-Princess."

"I see. So you really don't plan on seeing your daughter any time soon?" Raphael questioned someone on the phone.

"You know that I can't Raphael, two kings with differing ideologies cannot coexist. Only one king can rule the world and take the empty throne. However, within the next two years I'm sure I'll get the opportunity to properly check up on her." The man on the other side of the phone, Merlin, responded to Raphael's inquiry.

The truth was he wanted to watch his daughter's growth closely however his... "people" weren't capable of going up against paradoxes such as "This statement is false," he did have to thank her soon for pointing out such a major flaw in the design of his AI though fixing it was far easier said than done.

"Well whatever you say Merlin. Just try not to be too disappointed if she doesn't end up loving you as much as you love her. You're technically a dead beat~" Raphael jokingly mocked him for his absence in his daughter's life. "If you really wanted to be with her you could just-"

"Not an option. What makes a king candidate a king candidate is their dream Raphael. And while for Angels or other supernatural races dreams might be easily discarded, Humans cannot simply give up on their desires. Just saying it out loud will do nothing."

"Well whatever I guess."

*Knock* *Knock* *Knock* *Knock*

"L-L-Lord R-R-Raphael, The P-Princess is here to see you." Angela's stammering voice came through Raphael's office door after the knocks alerting him to exactly who it was.

"Seems like your daughter is paying lil ol' me a visit. I'll talk to you later about the specifics of these... Sephira Crystals you've been working on." Raphael hung up the phone and pressed a button on his desk letting the door open on its own revealing a blond haired beauty and his dead eyed niece.

"To what do I owe the visit Cebrail?" Raphael greets his niece and dismisses Angela with a slight wave of his hand.

The blonde Angel bowed before exiting through the door letting it close and lock behind herself.

"I came to ask you a few questions uncle."

"Oh? My ever prideful niece asking for help from me? What a grand occasion indeed. I wonder if I'll see a Nephilim or a Chalkydri soon as well?"

"I came to ask you about the Brave Saint system." Cebrail ignored his words and continued with her previous words.

"Alright, fire away."

"Vampires. Can they be changed into Angels using the Brave Saints System?"

"Oh? Are you planning on turning your new Vampire friend into one of your subordinates?"



"What do you mean?"

"Do you have no criteria at all for who gets to join you and who doesn't?" Raphael asked curiously as he searched through documents on her computer in an attempt to find an answer to her question. "Azril picks people that are compatible with Light Power. Puriel picks people she thinks are strong. And Gadreel picks people based on their sincerity."

"You're saying that I need some kind of theme in who I pick?"

"Most people don't do it on purpose but Angels in particular fall into behavioral patterns such as that due to their rigid principles. Predictable is what we Angels tend to be, even we Seraph fall into it at times."

"Well... if I had to give my subordinates some kind of theme, then it would simply be 'people who have nowhere else to go' or something like that."

"I see." Raphael clicked on a particular file on Vampires and began reading but still spoke rather clearly. "And what about Solomon's Ring?"

Cebrail frowned at that question. She disliked relying on anything to do with Solomon. The guy was a real... piece of work... and obviously she didn't like him or this little game of his at all.

"I'd rather not. The way Solomon's Ring works is pretty messed up when you think about it. I'm not the kind of person that would rule based on power and power alone."

"Right~ Right~ well you can reincarnate Vampires who were once Human that is certain however for Pure Bloods there's no precedent at all. Maybe it'll kill her, maybe it won't, who knows."

"I see..." Cebrail looked away, she wouldn't use it then since she wouldn't just thrust such a dangerous fifty fifty on someone. It wasn't as though the Vampire needed to be an Angel anyways to be one of her subordinates.

"My next question. Do you have anyone that could train my subordinates?"

"Why don't you ask your mother?"

"I already have. She keeps putting it off."

"Well... you know Gabriel, if it's work it's probably gonna end up with Adriel doing most of it."

"Mmm... but this was a request from me... usually she'd be as quick as possible about it."

"That is correct. Though it's obvious as to why. You're a lot like your father you know? The man was passionless before he met Gabriel, however after they tried killing each other a few times and got married he changed quite a bit." Raphael turned his chair around and stared out the large windows behind him leading to the outside. A large expanse of clouds and nothingness.

"It isn't as though he became a bad person. It's just that the path he's chosen goes against God's will and looks to the past rather than the future. If you need someone to teach you and your friends there's really only one person both capable and trustworthy enough."

A small ding sounds and Cebrail takes out her phone finding a message from Raphael. It was a map to someplace, a church.

"Your aunt Marilyn is the person you're looking for."

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