To the End

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The sky is a permanent dark blue, the many buildings full of power and production, and the seemingly endless expanses of ocean that stretch for all around. This is the world of the Sirens, the enemy of mankind.

Right now, we came upon a wall, painted a deep red with a still body underneath it, left to the non existent carrion to feed upon. A Siren was there, cold, and dead, with a sword wound straight through her chest.

Further on, more and more corpses can be found, some even looking somewhat alive, but unable to move with the sheer amount of punishment dealt to their bodies. Limbs were scattered everywhere, brain matter coated the walls and slowly fell to the floor, plopping on the many bodies of those it once came from.

It was a massacre


Slow footsteps echoed through the halls of the grandest building around, a large, ornate palace of sorts, where her final quarry lies. Cut the head off the snake, it will wriggle for only a moment longer...that is what she plans to do.

Azrael is covered in blood, but none of it being her own, save for the thin trail of blood still leaking out from her stomach. Her breathing is heavy, and her footsteps look closer to shambling as she walked through the halls of the grand building.

That very blood coats the floor behind her, leaving a small trail of blood as she walked, with bloody footprints framing the trail. She was holding the katana she stole from Atago, using it as her weapon for this final mission of hers.

'Come on...I'm so close...' She was smiling as she went, the katana dragging across the floor with how little energy she could muster to swing it. She was feeling it now, her face was pale, her breathing was horrid, and she could feel how faint she was.

She was suffering from severe blood loss, and soon...

She grit her teeth and pushed onwards, not daring to be worried about that now. She was a Hunter, and a Hunter has a mission to matter what.


"She's...she's gone?!" George screamed that out, already standing over the unconscious Hipper and looking all around their environment. "She cut off the Siren's arm and fucking vanished?! How?!"

It was clear to all she was panicked and worried for the woman, but no one was able to speak up and give her an one knew what happened.

The only thing that happened, was Shinano walking up to her, and gently laying a hand on her shoulder, catching her attention and soon wiping the collecting tears from her eyes. "George...Eugen is strong...she can handle herself."

"I know that...but you saw it too, she was stabbed!

"I know...but there is...nothing we can do...except wait for her...inevitable return."

Her tails gently wrapped around George, calming the battleship's shaking before she simply sighed and hugged Shinano. " and I love her, and this's almost too much to see her gone like this."

"You are worried...aren't you George?"

"Of course I am! But...what can we do?"

Shinano looked up to the moon, her smaller moons appearing around her as she did. "Pray...we can pray."

Here she was...

Countless Sirens stood in her way, but none were of issue to her. Hell, none even saw her coming before their heads rolled, or their organs were diced to pieces.

Her katana was soaked in blood, and surely, it was going to rust and be destroyed should it truly receive any more. Alas...she needed it to bathe once more in blood, just once...and her tools haven't failed her before.

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