Angel of "Mercy"

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"Are you...positive she'll forgive me after that night?"

"I'm positive! She doesn't look like one to hold a grudge so go on out and apologize!"



"A did we tie?!"

Hipper was looking at the gaming screen, where both her and her sister had actually tied on score despite being on both maximum difficulty and in versus mode.

Azrael rolled her eyes, patting her sister and hearing the metallic tapping of her shoulder. Both she and Hipper were unnerved by it, but quickly shook it off.

"So you want to go somewhere else and enjoy the rest of the day, or head back and get acquainted to your new body?"

"Uhm...probably get use to myself. If I don't, who knows what will happen if I get caught in a bad situation."

Azrael nodded to her, and took the tickets, which wasn't many mind you, and spent it on a bit of chocolate balls. "First things first, can you taste?"

She knew chocolates were Hipper's favorites, so this was a perfect way to check if she could still taste things. She passed one over to her sister, who unwrapped it and popped it into her mouth, chewing it slowly before swallowing.


Her expression fell, and Azrael immediately knew the issue.

"You can't taste can you?"

"No...I can't enjoy candy anymore!"

She started to quietly sob, but since she was a robot now, there wasn't any tears. Azrael pulled her into a hug, and Hipper hugged back.

"Well, another thing, you'll be fine when you eat things."

"W-what? But I'm not alive anymore!"

"Yet the Sirens accounted for that from what your original purpose was."

She separated from her and tapped her stomach a few times, where the quiet churning of rotors and gears were heard.

"You run on Biological fuel sources, so as long as you're well fed, you'll be steaming along for several days."

"Huh? How did you figure that out?"

Azrael made a snipping motion with her fingers. "When you weren't yourself, I took you down with the help of Eldridge and opened you up. Found out how you operated and such."

"Eeugh...sounds so weird when you put it like that."

Azrael shrugged before she walked off back towards the repair bay, where she and Hipper were staying for now to test the capabilities of her new form. However, Azrael heard footsteps running up behind them, and with the ragged breath as well, it was obvious they were running for a while.

"Hipper, hold your horses for a minute, someone's running to find us."

"Hm? Oh yeah, now that you pointed it out I hear it too."

They stopped and turned around, hearing as the footsteps grew ever closer to them, it was heavier footsteps, so whoever it was is wearing either dress shoes or boots, and Azrael was the only one who wore boots.


"Oh, it's you Enterprise..."

She had turned the corner, her face covered in sweat as her eyes grew wide when she saw them standing there. She came to a stop and nearly collapsed, resting her hands on her knees as she caught her breath.

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