Mechanical Miracle

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Vestal: Azrael? You okay in there?


Vestal sighed and walked away from the door once again. Ever since the revelation that Hipper's blackbox was put into a robotic replica of the woman, Azrael had shut herself away inside the repair bay that the robot was in.

The Sakurans and the Ironbloods were notified of the situation, and opted to try and get her out through many different means, all of which ended in failure without question.

One way was to talk, that obviously failed.

One was to tempt with food or drink, failed.

When they tried to force the door open, a sword was immediately thrown from the open door, and they closed it tight themselves to not incur her fury.

At that point they realized she just wanted to be alone. But why with the robot was unknown to them.

Vestal: This girl...she's like Enterprise, but so much worse!

She rubbed her head in frustration, especially at how helpless she was during the entire operation. She had no clue how to calm the woman, and even when she tried, it seems Azrael fell back onto trauma and lashed out at her, leaving her with minor cuts and bruises.

Creepier still, sometimes she would listen in on what was happening on the other side of the room. She would hear her mumbling to herself and sometimes giggling, which sent chills down her spine.

Whatever the hell was happening in that room, it would probably be for the best that it stayed in there...for everyone's safety.

Her boots constantly tapped the floor, making the infamous clacking sound that she had grown so accustomed too over the many years she was wearing boots of that type. Her rigging sat to the side of the room, open and constantly rotating parts as she shifted through it.

Azrael: I'll make sure to set my swords ablaze with Pitch, make sure those slimy pricks get some nice pain in before they die...

She giggled once again as she grabbed at a blowtorch settled in her rigging. Taking the device, she walked back over to the robot and looked it over, especially at the large hole in it's head.

Azrael: Thinking they can use my sister against me...even if she's not really her, the memories are there as fuel to fan the flames!

Using the blowtorch, she set to work on the robot, spending all those days inside working tirelessly on it. Her eyes were drooped and bloodshot, and she wanted to sleep so badly...but she couldn't, not now.

Azrael set down the blowtorch, dropping the mallet in her other hand to the floor as her arm finally gave out on her. She stared at the fully fixed head of the robot, which spotted a welding scar over where she closed up it's open "wound"

Azrael: That looks a gorgeous battle wound!

It's safe to say that her mental state wasn't the best after both not sleeping and also having such raging emotions tearing through her mind. She needed closure on this entire subject before she can truly rest and recover from the previous few days of work and diligence.

The others tried to get her out but she declined each attempt. She needed this! She was so close to finishing her masterpiece!


Azrael: There!

She slammed the head of the bot, slotting the piece of metal perfectly into place. The unsettling thing she found out was that the hair was made out of very realistic fibers that acted just like hair, so she was unnerved extremely by that.

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