To Call an Angel

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Azrael: Well...check that off the list

She was currently underwater, riding her rigging turned submersible. The encounter she had with Belfast told her something crucial about the World's state.

Azrael: The alliances are shaky, and seem to be aching to get back together...but they either have gone to far down their paths to believe they can reconnect, or the people are calling for their enemies blood


She pressed down on her console, where a Nav-map appeared and showed her current route, which was dead set on heading to The Sakura Empire.

Azrael: If I'm going to get anything done, I'm going to need to head to where the source of the problems occurred

It was a calm and sunny morning, and just off the shores of the Empire's primary naval base, one could view the beautiful Sakura trees the country is both named after and known for.

Azrael: A place of beauty...which covers the dirty secrets underneath

She was just under the water, heading quietly towards a nearby beach where she can rest and "unpack" without others knowing.

Undoing the sealed chamber and stepping on the sands, she did a quick check around to make sure no one was nearby, before recalling her rigging and dashing into the trees and out of sight.

Lying in wait, she transformed her rigging back into its standard form, drawing a short blade that was curved and sharpened in both ends.

Azrael: Cuts deep wounds and can slit throats effectively, perfect for this

She silently traveled between the trees. With many girls in the Empire having animal ears and senses, she could be uncovered at any single moment, making what she's doing even harder.

Azrael: I need to be quick and silent...a disguise could work, but it would be hard to both procure and convince them I'm one of them without any animal parts...

Azrael: Unless...

She jumped to the top of the tree she was standing near, looking for her potential victim. The one she was looking for would be moderately hard to pass off as, but with a little bit of makeup and acting...yeah, it'll work.


She spotted the destroyers, specifically the Mutsuki class, run across the field as they enjoyed life as kids, bringing a smile to Azrael's face.

Azrael: That...that's what my time missed so dearly

She lost the smile as her eyes grew cold. She clenched her fist and shook in anger for but a moment before focusing again.

Azrael: Can't be having any attacks here, that'll be problematic


She spotted someone in the distance, that person being the target she was looking for.

Azrael:*smiles* I need to get her without anyone noticing

Her eyes glinted as her mind went to work.

Azrael: Time to hunt...

She yawned, today was pretty boring, which she already knew was the normal.

Scratching her ears, she readjusted the Katana at her hip and made sure her miniskirt was not wrinkled in anyway.

Takao: Can't look unprofessional when I'm on guard duty

The talk of this "angel" is something Takao loathed, with the rumors painting her as a warrior that destroys the Sirens without problems.

What they didn't know was the terrifying truth of that woman's goals. She may be a blade pointed at the Sirens, but any who get in the way of the blade will also be impaled against her mighty blades.

The Sinz of PrinzDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora