Man and Machine

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The first thing she felt was the absolute exhaustion that usually came with waking up from a crying fit, something she never will admit to how many times had happened.

Of course, instead of waking up in a cold yet comfortable bed, or an office chair, she instead felt warm and very snug...and is this hair?

?: woke....

Azrael: Shinano? Why are you drowning me in your tails?

Shinano: Because your sister...came to me for...answers

Azrael: Wow, I never thought I'd hear that Hip-...Hipper...HIPPER!!

She shot up from her tails, startling the prophetic carrier, making her tails go stiff behind her.

Azrael: Where is she?! Is she still safe?! Did her programming fall out of whack?! Shinano tell me-


Azrael recoiled a bit, as Shinano slapped her cheek with her same indifferent and tired look, which held a bit of annoyance.

Shinano: She is stop freaking out...she's asleep over there...

She pointed to the corner of the room, and while Azrael was rubbing her cheek, she looked over to the side of the room, where she saw the completely motionless figure of her sister, with it's eyes blank and gray.

Shinano covered her mouth, as she already knew Azrael would scream if she didn't.

Shinano: She is safe...she is just asleep...

Azrael: Mh...mky

She released her hold on the cruiser, who slowly walked over to the robot's side. Her heart started to beat loudly as she sat down next to the android that was her sister now.

Azrael: Shinano...why did she come to you in the first place?

Shinano: She sought me know what had occurred...since she was dead

Azrael: Does...she know?

Shinano: Yes...I did that for I knew you speak to her about it

Shinano dusted herself off, before walking over to the door and opening it, giving Azrael another glance.

Shinano: Please be gentle...she broke down...mentally...when we spoke



Azrael's looked back down to Hipper, who was still as motionless as ever. She gently shook her shoulder, hoping it would do something.

Azrael: Hipper, wake up. Come on sister...we need to talk

The churning of an engine was heard, as the chest started to rise and fall. Soon after, the eyes changed to green and blinked a few times, before turning to Azrael.

Hipper: Eugen?

Azrael: Yes, it's me sister

They stared at each other in silence, before Hipper gently pulled Azrael's hand and brought her down to her level, then wrapping her in a hug.

Azrael: Hey, what's with the sudden attention? I thought you didn't want to show me lo-

Hipper: Shut up...Shinano told me what happened after I...died


Hipper: I know you went through a lot, but she never went into detail...she said you would say if you wanted to


Hipper: Eugen...don't go silent now, answer me! Just what happened to you?!

Azrael:...Too much

Hipper looked over to her sister's face, which was buried in her shoulder. She has never seen her sister cry before, but seeing her now was...depressing.

Azrael: It was horrible...every day and night, looking over by back at every turn so I didn't get shot to pieces. Surviving off of whatever I could find or hunt. Watching my allies die one by one...

Her grip tightened in Hipper's hug, as tears started to fall. All she could do was hold Azrael closer, as she finally started to crack.

Azrael: I-I miss everyone...Bismarck, Scharnhorst, Spee, Nimi, Mainz, Friedrich, U-101...everyone...

Hipper: At least you're still alive...remember, as long as someone remembers them, they aren't truly dead

Azrael: I know...I know...

She wasn't crying hard, but it was a constant flow of tears. All of her years of frustrations and isolation, all of which dwelled deep in her heart and mind, finally being let loose in the one medium she knew would help.

Her own sister, not her past one, but her genuine and honest to time sister.

Hipper: Let it out deserve it more than anyone...

Azrael: I...I-I missed, so much...

Hipper: I'm here now, so let it out...I missed you too...



Eugen: Hello? Azrael, you here?

She looked into the room, immediately spotting her future self with...Hipper?

Eugen: Sister? What are you doing here?

Hipper: Ah...I'm not your Hipper, I'm her's

Eugen: Oh...


Eugen: How...exactly are you here? Didn't you die?

Hipper: I did, but the Sirens...did something and made me a machine that attempted to kill Eug-...Azrael here

Eugen: So that's what she was doing all these days...Is that why she's crying in your shoulder? Cause you're back?

Hipper: Yes. Sister? Come on and get up, we have to go

Azrael: Mmh...

Hipper: Come on, I'm alive now, so let's spend the day together...just like old times

Azrael: Like...old times...

She looked into Hipper's eyes, seeing her bright green eyes showing compassion and kindness she rarely ever saw back then, even after the purge. For once, she was able to smile in thanks to that she can truly call hers.

Not her past, but her own.

Azrael: Sure...let's go play some games eh?

Hipper: That sounds good, I haven't played in years though

Azrael: Hmph, I bet you'll be worse than me then

Hipper: A challenge then Eugen? Bring it on!

They both shared a confident smirk, even carrying it to their journey out and into the halls of the base. Eugen stood aside when they left, just watching them go to the arcade to settle their bet.

Eugen:*sigh* Even with how they missed each other...I guess me and Hipper never really did change much after all

She closed the door and left the scene, deciding to head back to the Ironblood dorm room for the time being.

The main forces were but days out, and soon enough, Azur lane will be reformed once more.

Eugen: And thanks to you Angel of Death, we truly settled our differences and are now focused on the real enemy. I think we all owe you something or two after this future me...I'll take you out to drink one of these days

Hipper: Eugen? Did you manage to find your future counterpart?

Eugen: I did sister, and she was with a better older sister too


Hipper: HUH?!

Yeah, it's a bit shorter than usual, but a short intermission of wholesomeness never hurt anyone.

See ya next time!

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