Washing Away the Anger

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"Mmh..." Azrael's eyes fluttered open, and they were met with all encompassing darkness.


She rolled her eyes, before pulling a hand up and brushing the dark cavern's walls aside, letting light shine inside the bubble of fluff that Shinano commonly wraps around the two of them when they sleep. As usual, Shinano was knocked out on her chest and fast asleep, harboring a smile as she laid quietly.

"Hey...Shinano, wake up..." She poked the carrier's cheek, making her stir a few times.


Azrael's eyebrow went up. 'Didn't think you were a sleep talker, or maybe this is a newer thing that came up with you?'

"Let's go Shinano, I have plans today." She continued to poke the carrier, hoping to wake her.

Her efforts paid off, and Shinano's eyes slightly opened, showing she was waking up. "Muffin..."

"What is this about muffins?"

Shinano was still out of it, but she seemed to have dreamed about food last night. Her mouth slightly opened, and as Azrael was about to start getting out of bed, a sharp pain in her chest corrected that. "OWW!!"

Shinano's eyes shot open, and she realized that, in her half asleep state, she bit down on Azrael's breast. She quickly released, seeing that there were two puncture marks into her sleeping wear, and blood slowly started to pool.

"God, careful with those teeth you Fox!"

"I-I am sorry...for biting you." Her ears flattened as she looked away with a blush, embarrassed at what she just did.

Azrael wiped away the blood, clearly seeing the wound was already starting to close up. "Just...try to not let it happen again? I don't want to have to put you in the doghouse or something."

She quickly took off her sleepwear, and Shinano assisted her in getting her usual outfit on nice and quickly. She also helped in putting her hair up.

'Even if I can do this myself, it's nice to do it with someone else. Bonding time, like how the ancestors of humans and even modern apes bond through grooming.'

She looked towards the window, seeing that there was less light than usual outside for 9am. However, a quick look to the clouds and the gentle tapping on the window told her exactly what it was. "Hey Shinano, you afraid of a little rain?"

"No...but it mats...my tails."

Azrael left it at that and stood up, putting her gloves on and walking out the room. If Shinano wanted to stay in for the day then that's fine, but she had something she especially both needed and wanted to so.

She needed an arsenal upgrade.

"You're making what now?"

"Sais, I'm making Sais."

Robo Hipper joined her sister in this walk to the repair bay, happy that her body wasn't getting shocked or destroyed from the contact with the rain. Azrael was content with the results too, but she had to put that in the back of her mind as she needed to get to work on her weapons.

"I have a sneaking suspicion that they'll send more robotic enemies to kill me. From the surprising success that you had at reflecting the blows of my weapons, I need a weapon that is better at dealing with metal."

"Aren't Sais sharp knives though?" Hipper saw how her sister looked back to her, raising her finger up. "Usually yes, but I'm going to add a small bit of CNT into the actual core of the weapon, reinforcing it while I dull the tip to be more effective at piercing metal."

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