18 | the one where she lost him

Start from the beginning

Thomas walked over to Newt. ''What happens if they don't?''

''Minho's a Keeper for a reason, Thomas,'' Y/n said, causing Thomas to snap his head towards her. ''They're gonna make it.''

The rain eventually stopped and all Gladers moved to stand in front of the doors. Y/n bit on her nails as she stood next to Chuck, staring at the Maze. The vines seemed to almost mock them, as if they were saying Ha! We're here, right in front of you, but Minho and Alby aren't! Y/n was really starting to feel sick.

What if he really doesn't make it? Y/n thought, her eyes unfocusing. No, there's still time. He'll be back.

''Come on, guys, can't we send someone after them?'' asked Thomas.

''That's against the rules,'' Gally, who was crouching down next to Y/n, spoke. ''Either they make it back or they don't.''

''It's too late to send anyone out,'' Y/n said, even though her heart was telling her to run into the Maze right this moment and drag Minho out by herself.

''Can't risk loosing anyone else,'' Newt explained.

A gust of wind hit the Gladers as the Maze groaned and Y/n's heart dropped. The doors started moving towards each other and Y/n gasped. Her eyes moved frantically, searching for Minho and Alby through every corner possible in the corridor. ''No. No, no, shuck.''

''There!'' Thomas pointed inside the Maze and Y/n and the rest of he Gladers looked forward. Two figures had appeared at the end of the corridor.

''Wait, no, something's wrong,'' Newt observed.

Minho was carrying Alby on his back, his arms crossed around Minho's neck. The Runner was struggling to walk. ''MINHO!'' Y/n heard herself yell as she watched him slowly come closer to her and the others. ''MINHO, YOU CAN DO IT, COME ON!''

Minho's panting was so loud she could hear it from all the way in the Glade, which scared her even more.

''COME ON, MINHO, YOU CAN DO IT!'' Chuck yelled as well, as did the rest of the Gladers, yet no one moved.

On impulse, Y/n took a step forward, ready to run through the closing doors and help Minho. Alas, a firm hand was placed on her shoulder, causing her to turn around and look at Gally. ''Don't even think about it.''

Her tears burned her chilled skin as they rolled down her cheeks. She looked back towards the Maze as Minho continued to struggle and the doors kept on closing quicker. ''MINHO, PLEASE, COME ON!'' she yelled out again, seeing as there was nothing else she could do at the moment. ''MINHO, PLEASE!''

Minho dropped Alby on the ground. They were still far as Minho grabbed his legs and started pulling his body towards the doors.

''MINHO, YOU GOTTA LEAVE HIM!'' Gally yelled out, still holding onto Y/n in case she decides to run forward last-moment.

''MINHO, LEAVE ALBY!'' Y/n agreed with Gally, knowing there was no other way.

But she also knew Minho. He wouldn't leave Alby in there.

''They're not gonna make it.'' Y/n heard Newt's voice over the screaming, but she refused to acknowledge it.

''MINHO, RUN! YOU'RE A RUNNER GODDAMIT, RUN!'' Y/n yelled with all her might. her throat starting to hurt as she continued yelling at him to hurry.

Minho let out a scream as he started running, still pulling Alby's body along.

It was as if everything was in slow motion as Y/n looked at Minho through the small gap left. He was looking towards the Gladers, towards her, and in that moment she truly knew.

Minho was not going to make it.



Y/n blinked as she watched Thomas suddenly squeezing himself into the thin gap, blocking her view of Minho. ''THOMAS YOU IDIOT, STOP!'' But it was too late.

The doors slammed shut. Minho, Alby and now Thomas remained on the other side.

Y/n felt her knees give out and hit the ground. She heard people yelling her name and arms wrapping around her, but she couldn't hear anything. Her eyes were wide, unblinking as the hot tears continued streaming down her cheeks and meeting at her chin. ''Minho . . .'' she whispered, watching the grey walls.

No. That couldn't be happening. ''MINHO!" Y/n yelled as she pried the arms that had been around her and slammed her fists on the giant door. ''MINHO! MINHO, NO! COME BACK!''


''MINHO! YOU SLINTHEAD, COME BACK!'' Y/n yelled at the top of her lungs, ignoring all the other Gladers behind her as she continued hitting her fists against the stone. ''SHUCK!'' Y/n hit the stone one last time before she slowly fell on her knees, her body wracking with sobs.


''Come back, Minho,'' Y/n sobbed as she leaned her head against the stone. ''Please, come back.''

the one where they're runners | minho x fem!reader ✔️Where stories live. Discover now