Emma, Luna's other stepsister told them she could take care of the baby so they could go out. Luna and Rafe were grateful for some alone time.
They decided to go to a bar close to the apartment it was called "Puzzles".
It was late evening and they got ready. Emma would pick Riley up soon but she couldn't wait and kept asking every ten minutes when "aunt Emma" was coming.
Rafe distracted her with a tv show she loved and then walked back to Luna in the bedroom.

"You look beautiful." Rafe stepped into the bedroom where Luna stood in front of the mirror and brushed through her hair. She picked up her necklace the one Rafe gave her once.

Luna smiled at him through the mirror as he stood right behind her. "Thank you."

"Let me do that." Rafe took the necklace out of her hand. He placed kisses on her neck while closing the necklace. Luna closed her eyes and leaned her back against his chest while he wrapped his hands around her waist. He stroke over the fabric of her long sleeve.

"Luna, Rafe!" Riley walked to them and they broke out of their moment. "When does aunt Emma come?"

"She should be here soon." Luna answered and as she said that the door bell rang.

"Is that her?" Riley jumped excited.

"Let's take a look." Luna said and Riley ran to the door. Luna picked her up and let her look through the peephole. "Who is it?"

"Emma!!" She shouted and Luna let her down to open the door.

"Hey." Emma smiled at Luna while hugging Riley. She picked her up and walked in with Luna.

"Hi! How was school?"

"Fine. I had a history exam. It went okay... I guess."

"I'm sure you did well."

"Yeah, I hope so too."

"What are we doing?" Riley asked and played with Emma's hair.

"We are staying at my place and play."

"Okay! Is grandpa there?"

"Yes." She nodded.

Riley smiled and went to her room when Emma let her down.

"So, where are you going?" Emma asked as Rafe went to them and also said "hello".

"A bar. Puzzle I think." Luna said and looked at Rafe.

"Yes. We have to take the subway."

"Never heard of it. Tell me how it was."

"Yeah absolutely!" Luna nodded and then they looked at Riley who walked out her room with her packed backpack.

"Are you ready to go?" Emma smiled and Riley nodded excited.

Soon they said goodbye to Riley and Emma, then continued to get ready and went to the subway station.
They took the subway to get to the bar, it wasn't too long and after 10 minutes they were there.
The bar was like an old pub and seemed really comfortable. It was full, many young people were there but Rafe found a small booth for them.

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