Chapter Forty-three

Start from the beginning

I couldn't answer that question but there is more she has to fulfill. The moment I recall everything to her, I feel a slight movement and it draws my attention to our hands clasped together.
Her little finger twitches, it happens only for a second and  I take it as an assurance. An assurance that she is there and she's hanging on.

                      (: :) (: :) (: :) (: :) (: :)

March had slipped by quickly as if it only came for a visit. The flowers and cards on the side table continued to pile up.

As the days continue to fly by, the doctors tell us to have patience. Days turn to weeks and weeks turn into a month and she still isn't awake.

Every day, Lucas, Addison, and I make a point to see her. Even if it's to watch the bad shows on the hospital's cable or tell her about our day, we make it a point to see her.

During the first few weeks of her admission, I refused to leave her bedside.
School became a plague, and it still did but an earful from Stephanie and Addison had me sulking back home and taking a proper shower.

Graduation bells ring louder and most, if not everyone is submitting their last papers and college entries.

I submitted an entry to the Michigan State University on Mr. Holland's suggestion to study engineering. In the beginning, I did it to satisfy Dad, but I had a chat with Mr. Holland and I began to put more thought into it. I became interested in it.

I hadn't gotten a reply from them ever since and I had not submitted any more applications.

Anytime I think about college, the comment Belle made during our walk to the hill seeps in. The feeling of fear.

Scared of what the future holds and scared of what a future will look like without Belle.

I know she's going to wake up but what then?
What if she wakes up and still doesn't want me? What if she's not a part of my future?

For now, I decide not to think about it.

What's that adage again?

Leave the future to take care of itself.

Sometimes on my visit to the hospital, I would get a slight movement or a twitch with her eyelids telling me she is still there.
One day, she clutched onto my little finger for a second before it fell slack. I was a mixture of emotions that day.

I laughed, then cried and got angry she wasn't fully awake so I could hold her close and never let go.

I visit Stephanie and Brandon a lot these days. Exhaustion and the strain from Belle's condition are pressed on her but it never stops her from trying to wear a smile every time.

I am learning something from Brandon the more I draw close to him.
I am learning to remain strong.

On a few occasions, I meet him with Belle and he doesn't fail to keep up his arguments with her even when he knows she can't retaliate. It doesn't stop him from trying.

Carson continues to report himself to the police but since there's still no proof so he and the teacher can not be arrested.

He had been urging Addison to make me talk to him and I finally accepted.

He didn't stay long on the phone but his words did strike me into action.

"If you believe me, find evidence. Anywhere anyhow–just do"

With those words imprinted in my mind, my knuckles rap on Belle's front door.

I erase every filter of doubt telling me I am interfering the moment Stephanie opens the door.

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