Kosovo: Aren't you an atheist state though? Shouldn't you be happy?

Albania: -then you drag me out WITHOUT breakfast and now, at 5 in the goddamn morning, you want me to go with you God knows where-

Kosovo: For an Atheist, you curse over God a lot.

Albania: You're literally Slavic! You curse God in every possible way by default.

Kosovo: I'm partially Slavic, the other half comes from a hell called Albania.

Albania: Hey! It's "Supreme Hell" for you!

Kosovo: So, like, you gonna drive or we call a taxi?

Albania: What?

Kosovo: I'm 12, a**hole, you think I can drive?

Albania: Your plan was for me to also drive you there?!

Kosovo: Yeah, you got it pretty on spot.

Albania: I will hate you forever! *sighs*

Kosovo: ...

Albania: What are you staring at, kari (d*ck), pass me the car keys.

(8 am, even god doesn't know where)

Albania: Why? Why are you the way you are?

Kosovo: My father is Yugoslavia.

Albania: Yeah, understandable.

Kosovo: At least I have an excuse. What's yours?

Albania: I live next to your family, though the years some of that craziness rubs on everyone, even me.

Kosovo: Fair.

Albania: Is breakfast anywhere near?

Kosovo: Oh yeah, I forgot! *takes some sandwiches from the backpack* Here ya go!

Albania: You disappoint me... A lot.

Kosovo: Not as much as you do everyone else.

Albania: It's not even the good cheese!

(9 am, parking lot)

Albania: Kos...

Kosovo: Yeah?

Albania: That... is a Paintball arena.

Kosovo: I know, I thought you liked shooting. That's the only thing I can reserve with my age, apparently my gun licence isn't valid.

Albania: That's because your "gun licence" was written by Ame on my behalf for your birthday.

Kosovo: It's not real?!

Albania: It's illegal, actually, but Yugo thought it'll be a good excuse to get you some firearms. As much as he hated USA with its "gun freedom", he likes his guns more.

Kosovo: *sobbing* What else is a lie?! What else?!

Albania: Well, you know how 'Kosovo is Kosovo'?

Kosovo: Yeah?

Albania: Actually, 'Kosovo is Albania'.

Kosovo: I f*cking hate you.

Albania: I know. Shall we go home?

Kosovo: No way, you bir kurve! (son of a b*tch!) I payed for it, we're gonna go in it and you're gonna enjoy it!

Albania: Dream on, Kosoves (Kosovo).

(In the arena, mid-game)

Kosovo: Alba, on your right!

Albania: *cool army roll on the ground, paintball missing him* Ha, you suck, bushter! (b*tch!) *shoots the kid* 'Sovo, duck!

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