Hello Half Sister

Start from the beginning

Stepping lightly, Toshiro headed to his room, flopping down on the bed, his frustration growing, "I just want to go home." Soon, he drifted off to sleep.


Eventually, a grumbling feeling in his stomach ended up waking him up. The boy sat up, glancing at the door. "I should have finished the food." Getting up, he headed towards the kitchen, his phone clutched in his hand from before he fell asleep. He then pulled out a dish, and heated the food up. He then went and sat down on the couch. "Well, he isn't around to know I'm breaking one of his possible rules."

He said his thanks and put some of the food into his mouth, only to have his phone go off. At that, he picked up the phone and placed it to his ear. "Hello?"

"I'm here silly. Remember, I told you I was coming over, so you gave me the code to the apartment gate?" The female voice stated. "You'll let me in when I get there, right."

"Hinamori?" The boy blinked a couple of times.

"At least you are able to remember my name, unlike that old fart." The girl stated, catching Toshiro off guard, as the phone clicked off.

"That was her voice, but something felt off." Toshiro thought to himself. He continued to eat, until a knock came from the door. He got up, setting the plate on the table and went to unlock the door for her. However, the sight that greeted him wasn't one he found himself pleased with.

The Momo that stood before him wore jeans that the leggings were only a couple of inches on the leggings. She also wore a top that was tied at the front and only covered her small chest area, leaving her stomach area, revealing a piercing on her navel. She also wore garish make up and high heals... in truth, she looked worse then Matsumoto ever did.

"Hinamori?" The boy answered again.

Suddenly, the girl pushed lightly on his chest. "Why are you acting so funny to see me? We planned on me coming over for some time, because you wanted to see me. But the old fart doesn't let me come around anymore. Says I am a problem child. Which is rather funny, because I actually think normally, while you are stuck up in that fantasy world of yours."

"But..." Two teal eyes glanced down, the cheeks flaring up due to the fact he wanted to lecture her about the clothing she was wearing, but honestly didn't know how to bring it up without seeming like a pervert. He went and sat down on the couch, frustration spreading on his face. "The Momo I know, wouldn't act like this."

The next thing he knew, Momo sat down next to him, her hand touching her leg. She suddenly leaned over into his face. "Hey, Shiro-chan..."

Toshiro could smell alcohal on her breath, not the kind of sake that Matsumoto would drink, but the beer that she sometimes got ahold of. He clasped a hand over his nose. "You've been drinking, Momo Bed Wetter."

"I haven't wet the bed since I was real little." Hinamori's voice slurred suddenly, and she hiccuped into his ear.

"Really?" The boy narrowed his eyes. For some reason, the didn't think that this was true. He flinched suddenly, when her hand moved, and he suddenly grabbed it, his eyes going wide. "What the hell do you think you're doing?"

"It isn't as if he's awake or out here." Momo continued, the tone of the situation suddenly becoming stifling. His Adam's apple bobbed down, while he looked her straight in the face.

"We're... siblings aren't we?" Toshiro stated. "And even if we weren't blood related, I couldn't ever..."

"Oh, come on. All we'll be doing is messing around." The girl sated, her hot breath on his ear. She leaned in to kiss him on the lips, only to have the lights turned on.

"What are you doing here?" Aizen's voice could be heard from the doorway.

"Shiro-chan invited me over. He said he missed me." Momo stated, suddenly sitting up straight.

The man simply walked over and lifted her up. "While he misses you, he didn't invite you over for this. There is a reason I've asked you not to come around Aizen Momo."

Suddenly, the girl frowned. "I told you, my name is Hinamori Momo."

"That isn't your legal name." The man muttered, still pulling her to the door.

"You let Shiro-chan have his mother's name." The girl muttered, just as he opened the door and pushed her out.

"That was part of the divorce, daughter." The man then slammed the door in her face, locking the door behind him. He then turned towards Toshiro. He then walked over and slapped the boy across the face. "Are you trying to be stupid? This isn't the first time she's tried to do something like this. She promises she'll get treatment, and then she gets out of rehab like this. She's already dropped out of school."

"You hit me again." Toshiro pulled his legs up to his chest, just as a banging on the door occurred. He buried his head.

"Look, I'm going to have to call the police on her. Don't do this again." The man stated, making the boy feel really bad.

Aizen's Reality (Bleach Fanfic)On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara