Icy Depression

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Gin watched from the shadows, hiding his reiatsu from those that he was following. He could feel Grimmjow's unabashed glee as he began to fight and his seemingly perpetual smile turning down briefly from the sides. A few minutes later Ulquiorra was coming back and Toshiro was following on the Espada's heels.

As he followed the two figures he ducked in a side hall to allow another person to pass. The person paused and turned to look at him. "Why is it you're lurking around Ichimaru?"

"Because nobody seems to like me and want to play." Gin spoke up, his trade mark grin spreading across his face. "What is Dordonii doing?"

"I'm to cover for Grimmjow if he happens to lose this fight. It is all about buying time so to speak. I think I'll toss the cat aside and tell him to run off into some dark alley way and hide so he can lick the wounds he is obviously getting." The man then turned and left, leaving the silver haired person to follow after the other two again.

"You caught a glimpse of the kiddos eyes didn't you?" Shinso spoke up in his persons mind.

"I saw that they were glazed over. The kid looks tired out." Gin continued walking behind them. "He's not going to notice if something is off in the illusion nor is he going to purposefully break anymore."

"Then Aizen has broken him?"

"Who? Ran-chan's little monster? I doubt this would be enough. He's tough and dealt with me picking on him when I was still in Soul Society."

"And you have no regret doing so?"

"Why should I?" Gin watched as Toshiro walked into the place Aizen was housing him when he slept, the place the man spent the most time working on the physical aspect of the illusion. He then leaned on the door way and after a bit of time Ulquiorra left.

The green eyed Espada turned to look Gin straight in the eyes. "It wasn't your turn to watch him, why are you following?"

"Because I'm bored. You wouldn't understand what that means because you have no emotions though." The silver haired man continued to lean against the wall.

"Why would he want me to stay with him despite the fact he knows I am not Kurosaki Ichigo?"

Gin found himself suddenly frowning. "He said that?"

"Would I lie?"

"No... you wouldn't." The silver haired man watched as Ulquiorra walked away from him. When he was gone he quickly opened the door to the place as a sickening filling came to his mind. "He wouldn't..."

"I told you that your precious Aizen-sama broke him." Shinso stated just as Gin picked up the smell of blood coming to his nostrils.

Walking around the counter, he found himself covering his mouth with his sleeve. Next to the boy was the blade of Hyorinmaru, the materialization having only proceeded to a short blade. "How the hell did he manifest his zampaktuo despite the fact its been taken away. Last time I checked he didn't know one could do this." Gin noted that a few tears had rolled down the boy's cheeks. "He was that desperate?"

"Chibi?" Gin received no response and let out a deep sigh. "Shiro-chan? What have you gone and done to yourself now?" Carefully the man knelt down in the blood that was seeping out of the self-inflicted wounds. He took one hand and ripped part of the cloth off one of his long sleeves. To his surprise Toshiro's eyes opened up to look at him. "You aren't unconscious yet?"

The man carefully lifted the boy's wrist and quickly bound the self inflicted wound in order to stop the bleeding. "Wouldn't Aizen rather I be dead Ichimaru?

"Would Aizen rather...?" Gin shook his head as he continued to bind the wounds. "If he wanted the kiddo dead then the only purpose of bringing him here is to use as a toy. The man has a reason for everything he does so he needs him alive."

"Are you trying to justify that there is an explanation for you saving him other then the fact you care for the boy? Are you that afraid of that man finding that out?"

"I don't think he wants you dead." The silver haired man choose to ignore his zampaktuo. "I think you're more use to him alive kiddo." There was another pause.

"That's not the reason you're saving him though."

"That said, I don't want to see you die here. She would be sad if you died."

"My bother?"

"Is he thinking I'm talking about Matsumoto or the woman Aizen is pretending to be his mother." Gin let out a deep pause. "Yes." Gin paused for a few minutes as he spoke up. "Actually..." There came another pause as the bandaging continued. "If I say that I hand him over into Aizen's possession."

"Better that then losing him though."

"No... I can't lose him." The man finally finished and lifted the boy up into his arms. Toshiro weighed too little, partially due to the loss of blood. "Will you try and stay with me? Will you pretend that this world you think is fake is actually real and play along with me for the time being?"

Ichimaru found himself suddenly running, heading towards the place of the Espada scientist. Shinso spoke up. "You don't like or trust the man."

"Toshiro will know if I heal his wounds with kido and I'll get in trouble for breaking Aizen's illusion and providing proof. I have to act like I'm not doing this for my own reasons. It is the only way to keep him alive. Rangiku would never forgive me if something happens to him."

"Stop lying to yourself. She isn't someone to hold a grudge. You're the one who will never forgive yourself if something happens to him."

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