Illusion's Charm

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Cyan watched the small shinigami that Aizen had brought to the dessert world of the Hollows. She watched as the boy was drawn into the whole game that Aizen had set up for him. "This is all a game in more ways then one isn't it?" the female Fraccion said to no one but herself. She still wondered why Aizen had decided to play this game with the boy.

Out of the corner of her eye she was sure that she saw Ichimaru Gin for a brief second but brushed it off as the man was of no consequence. While she rather disliked the man she didn't find his presence to bother her. Finally, she watched as everyone proceeded to leave as one might put it and she walked over to the white haired boy and grabbed his shoulder as she covered her mouth with the sleeve of her uniform. "So I'm to play the role of an auntie?"

She didn't let go of the back of his shirt and spoke up according to the role she had been given. "Don't you remember? It is my job to take you home after soccer practice and soccer games."

"How is it the job of a teacher to take their students home?" Toshiro received the response that it wasn't because she was his teacher that this whole thing was arranged. "Are you... his girlfriend?"

"What a logical conclusion for a child to come up with." Cyan covered her mouth again and gave him the information bubble about how Aizen was her brother, "as if!", and how something was wrong with the boy. She followed rather specific instructions on the whole matter. She found herself leading the boy to the "home" and opened the door.

The conversation continued until a doorbell sound rang and she got up and opened the door. Emilou glared at her as she held a bell in her hands. "Hello..."

Meanwhile Franceska stood to the side and let out a deep sigh. "Why exactly are we doing this?"

"Inoue-san? Were you to babysit my nephew tonight?"

"Excuse me?" The dark skinned female felt her eyebrow twitched, only to have Emilou shove a few papers into her arms.

"Read it real quick. I forgot to give this to you."

"We're pretending to be people he knows because? It says I don't have to talk, I just need to be a physical presence. Yay."

Cyan however walked over to the boy and kissed him on the forehead. She enjoyed watching his cheeks durn a pink color. "I'm not a little kid..."

"Isn't he so cute! My roles done so I don't have to do my lines anymore."

"He looks like an obnoxious brat to me." Emilou walked over and sat on the couch. She glanced up as Cyan pulled out a childish board game. "What are you doing?"

The female simply handed it to the female. "I hid it here. Play it with him."

"This game is annoying..." The woman stated. "Why?"

"Because it will annoy him even more." Somehow they managed to pull off the game without the boy noticing it was an illusion and without knowing what was being said.

Emilou stretched suddenly. "I'm hungry. I'll cook something."

"All right. Might as well get him fed anyways. Is the reason we're babysitting him because we're female? Is the only ones he brought into this females?"

"I heard he brought in that weird scientist Espada." Cyan piped up.

"I wonder why..." Emilou grumbled. "You know... you would think they would have come to the realization that man is a sick bastard. Oh wait... maybe that's the reason he gets the role."

"I actually pity the kid." Francheska let out a sigh. "Rumor has it Aizen's thinking about handing the kid over to that man once he's served his purpose. Whatever that purpose is."

Eventually food was placed in front of the white haired child and they watched him eat the food he was given. At first he was rather reluctant to eat the food. "This looks normal..."

"What does he mean by that?" Emilou folded her arms across her chest ."Of course it is going to look normal."

"He's eating... don't worry about it." Francheska sighed.

This however didn't last long and Cyan covered her mouth as he put the food aside and went to curl up on the couch area. "You were saying?"

"What the hell is his problem?" The one with the shortest hair piped up.

Eventually though the leader of the group came in. "How is it going?"

"He had a mental break down."

"Well, I'm supposed to play the role of this Orihime persons mother and according to the notes Aizen she's a rather strange person." The woman walked over and nudged the boy's shoulder.


"Did my daughter say something weird again."

"She called you her daughter." Cyan piped up.

"I'm ignoring you." Francheska continued to sit where she was.

"This is stupid."

"Nudist colony..."

"Did he just say what I think he did?" Emelou raised an eyebrow in surprise.

"I'll speak to her later about this." The woman then motioned for them to leave. "He's almost asleep."

"So cute! I want to keep him." Cyan stated again.

"Well I don't."

"Exactly what pray tell was that about?" Fracheska scratched her head in confusion.

"Apparently this Orihime girl mentioned the word nudist colony in front of him. I don't know anything else."

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