Christina smirked.

"I'm guessing you're regretting on stopping my fake wedding with Steven." said Christina

Damian looks at Christina.

"No of course not, I would've stopped that wedding either way, if it was real or fake." said Damian, as he admits.

Christina walked towards Damian, and put her arms around him.

"I know you would." said Christina, as she pecked him on the lips.

"Well on the bright side of this, I get to be with my fiancé." said Damian, as he puts his hands around Christina. "For the next couple of days. You know, just me and you."

Damian pecks Christina's lips back, making her smile.

"Well, I hate to break it to you, but it's going to be the three of us, instead of the two of us." said Christina

"Huh, what do you mean?" said Damian, looking clueless.

"I decided to add another member to our soon to be family." said Christina, as she grabs Damian's hand. "Come with me."

Christina leads Damian to her design room, and takes out a box with holes in them, a smiling Christina tells Damian to open the box, in which he does, only to reveal that a German Shepard puppy was inside.

A happy and smiling Damian takes out the puppy, and carries him.

"Aww, hey little guy." said Damian, still smiling at the puppy who looks at him back.

"I got this puppy, so that the two of us can take care of it." said Christina, as she admits. "What do you think?"

"Yeah, of course I like that idea very much." said Damian accepting excitedly, while holding the puppy in his arms. "Who's a good boy? You're a good boy! Yes you are! Yes you are!"

The puppy barks while looking at Damian.

"So, what are we going to name him?" said Damian, as he looked at Christina.

"Hm, I was thinking of naming him Ace." said Christina, as she pats the puppy's head.

"Ace?" said Damian, amazed. "Like Ace The Wonder Dog, as in Batman's dog?"

"Yeah," said Christina, as she chuckled.

"I like it." said Damian, as he agrees with Christina. "Hi Ace, hi there buddy."

"Heh, he's so cute." said Christina, as she gently scratched Ace's top head.

"Do you want to hold him?" said Damian, as he hands Ace to Christina.

"Yes, please." said Christina, as she held Ace in her arms.

Ace starts to lick Christina's fingers.

"Oop. He's really hyper." said Christina, while giggling. "Oop!"

Damian gently hugs Christina, with Ace in her arms. Both Christina and Damian play with Ace around Christina's design room. A couple of minutes later, Christina started making outfits for Ace, while Damian continued to play with Ace inside of he room.

Christina makes Ace a mini red tie, a mini black bow tie, and a mini button white short sleeve shirt. Damian chuckles at Christina, while she is concentrating on making some clothing for the puppy even though he's just a dog. However, what Damian doesn't know is that Christina adopted Ace, in order to see how good of a "parent" Damian is.

Just then, Tonia enters Christina's design room.

"Hey guys." said Tonia, as she greets them while entering the room, only to be surprised by the puppy. "Woah!"

Kendall, who was walking behind Tonia, stops at the door way, while seeing the puppy from afar.

"Errr..." said Kendall, as she started to say something barely enough for the three of them to hear.

After recognizing Kendall's voice, Christina gasps.

"Uh-oh, Kendall saw!" said Christina, as she tells Tonia.

Tonia turns behind her only to see Kendall at the doorway.

"Damian, cover your ears!" said both Christina and Tonia, as they both warned him.

"Why?" said Damian, as he looks at Christina and Tonia with confusion, while letting Ace play on the floor with a toy ball.

Damian later turns to Kendall, who stopped talking for a moment.

Just then, without a warning Kendall started to squeal like a little girl by saying.

"OOH A PUPPY!!!" yelled Kendall, making Damian's ear ring in the process.

"AAH!" yelled Damian, as he jumped.

Christina walks over to Damian.

"Damian, can you hear me." said Christina, as

"What?!" said Damian, who couldn't hear a single thing from Christina or any of the other girls, since his ears continued to ring.

"We tried to warn you." said Tonia, as she shook her head while joking.

Christina nudges Tonia on her side.

"Ow!" said Tonia, as she rubs her side.

After recovering from Kendall's squeal, Damian shows his and Christina's puppy to both Tonia and Kendall, in which the two girls refer to the puppy as their "nephew".

"Nephew?" said Damian, as he raises an eyebrow at them.

"Seriously, we're not joking." said Kendall, as she admits. "Ace is our nephew, since the two of you are his adoptive parents."

"So, that also makes Bruce, Russel, Hank, and Roger, his uncles then." said Damian, as he chuckles along with Christina.

"Well, I'm glad that our adoptive son, have a new family." said Christina,

"Yes, he will be loved." said Damian, who smiles in the process, before hugging Christina, who hugs him back.

Many days later, Damian is at the airport along with Christina and Ace, who are there to watch him leave for the United Kingdom.

Before leaving for his flight, Damian shares a kiss with Christina, while turning to hug Ace in the process. Damian also promises to Christina that he will marry her when he comes back.

As Damian leaves, Christina is waving goodbye to him, while also waving Ace's paw at him. Damian finally leaves, as Christina and Ace are watching his plane take off.

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