"Are you alright?!" said Damian, questioning her from above still.

"No, because I'm hanging on to dear life!" said Christina, yelling at him.

"Don't worry, I'm coming down to save you!" said Damian, while taking out a walkie talkie. "Just hold on, okay!"

"Okay." said Christina, as calms down a bit.

Damian calls for help from the walkie talkie that he got before arriving at Christina's destination.

"DAMIAN, HELP! I CANNOT HOLD ANY LONGER!!!" yelled Christina, sounding scared.

After hearing a yelling Christina admitting that the tree's root can't hold her any longer, Damian decides to save Christina by himself and risks anything that he can to save her.

"Hold Christina! Just think happy thoughts!" said Damian, trying to calm her down. "The more moving you make, the more the tree is going to snap! So just hang tight!"

While sliding down towards a tree that was close to Christina, Damian looks at her.

"Okay, Christina come closer." said Damian

Christina steps a little closer to Damian.

"So, what now?" said Christina, questioning him.

"Give me your hand." said Damian

Christina gives Damian her hand.

"Okay, now hold on tight." said Damian, as he manages to use the tree as a step in order, pick Christina up closer to the safe zone's path that he was standing in.

"Almost there..." said Christina, as she started to climb.

Christina tries to take a peak of how far they were.

"Don't look down on Christina. Just keep going." said Damian, as Christina climbs her way to the safe zone, before looking back at Damian.

"Damian, give me your hand! Quick!" said Christina, before holding her hand out to him.

Damian tries to reach for Christina's hand but it was too far to reach.

Just then, the tree that Damian was on snaps, both Christina and Damian look at eachother with fear in their eyes, in which Christina watches in horror as Damian falls down the rocky steep hill along with the tree.

"DAMIAN!!!" yelled Christina, as she screams his name out.

Christina finds a safer way down the steep hill, and immediately searches for Damian once she arrives at the bottom.

"Damian?! Damian?!" said Christina, calling out Damian's name while searching for him. "Damian?! Damian?!"

Just then, Christina gasps as she finds an injured and unconscious Damian with multiple scapes, scratches, bruises, and cuts around his face and arms, an upset Christina sits beside Damian while waiting until help arrives.

"Don't worry Damian, I'm not going anywhere." said Christina, as tears started to fall on her cheeks. "I'm staying right here, beside you."

Christina notices that the tree that Damian was stepping on was on top of one of Damian's hands.

"Grr..." said Christina, as she grabs the tree and pushes it away from Damian.

Christina grunts, before sitting beside Damian again.

"Hello! I'm Ranger Gomez, is anybody out there?!" said one of the park's rangers, yelling from above.

"We're down here!" said Christina, as she yelled from below.

"Hang on, I'll be right there!" said the park's ranger as he came down, along with another park ranger, who was a female.

The two park rangers came down the hill by using the same path that Christina came down from.

"The rescue team is coming this way, they just wanted us to check on you for now." said the female ranger, as she admits to Christina.

"Smith, you stay here with them, while I signal the rescue team with a flare gun!" said Ranger Gomez, as he ran a few feet away from them.

Ranger Smith stays with Christina and an unconscious Damian, with Ranger Gomez shooting the red flare in the air. The red flare blasts into the sky, while it continues to spark.

"We have seen your destination, and now we are coming your way." said one of the rescue team's assistants, in the two Ranger's walkie talkies.

The sound of the rescue team's helicopter is heard.

"Thank goodness." said Christina, as she looked down at Damian who was still unconscious.

Just then, the rescue team comes out of the helicopter, and takes both Christina and Damian on a helicopter ride to the nearest hospital.

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