"Yeah, go back to the fitting room and change to the next one!" said Julie, as she yells. "Neither one of us has sunglasses on, and you're blinding us."

"It's like seeing something flash before our eyes!" said Tonia, who looks away.

Next dress...

"Wow you look amazing..." said the girls

"Come on girls, let's powder her up." said Kendall

After finally picking a dress, Alicia and Alexis help her with the makeup along with Alexandra who decides to help them as well.

"Lips!" said Alicia, as she tells Christina, while adding lip gloss on her lips.

Just then, Julie arrives and hands Kendall the set of photos that she took the other day, in which Kendall takes them. Christina's dress was a black colored dress, with silver lining.

While Christina comes out with her last dress, the girls are amazed with the way that her dress looks.

"Honestly Christina, I'm pretty sure that you are going to wow everyone inside of the restaurant, with your date with Damian." said Kendall, as she chuckles.

"It's not a date!" said Christina, as she reminded her.

"Hush, now sweetie don't ruin my moment!" said Kendall, as she shushes her.

Kendall gives Christina her purse that goes along with the color of her dress.

"Here, those are Damian's photos. Give this to him during your date." said Kendall, as she hands Christina the set of photos. "But, don't try to forget."

"Kendall, for the last time, it's not a date!" said Christina, as she reminded her again.

"Yea, yea whatever you say Princess." said Kendall, as she continued. "Also, your Prince is already outside waiting for you. So, get going."

Kendall drags Christina along with her.

Moments later, in the Italian restaurant with Christina and Damian, the top of them continue to talk about themselves, and start to hear the Flamenco song that they were playing, which got Christina into the music.

"I see that you are enjoying the music." said Damian, as he stood up from his seat, and held out his hand. "Would you care to dance with me?"

"Do you even know how to dance this type of song?" said Christina, as she asked him.

"Yes." said Damian, as he admits to her.

"Okay." said Christina, as she took Damian's hand.

On the dance floor...

"Damian, I'm curious." said Christina

"With?" said Damian, as he questions her.

"What type of dance is this even called?" said Christina, continuing. "Is this tango?"

"No, it's actually called Flamenco." said Damian, as he admits to her.

"I uh, actually don't know of how to dance Flamenco. " said Christina

"I can show you if you want." said Damian

"Sure, I'll like that." said Christina, as she chuckles.

"Alright, follow your heart and follow my lead." said Damian

Christina nods, before the musicians play the song.

At first Christina is a little rusty, and ends up stepping on one of Damian's feet.

"Oops, sorry." said Christina, as she started to apologize to him.

"It's okay, it didn't hurt." said Damian

"This is hard." said Christina

"Yeah, but just follow the rhythm of the music, and your heart." said Damian

"I am, but is there another way?" said Christina, as she asked him.

"Do you know how to dance tango?" said Damian, questioning her.

"A little, alright. Then let's do that, it'll be much easier for you to dance it that way." said Damian, as he tells her.

"And a big relief for you, so that I wouldn't step on your foot again... Flamenco with Tango, who knew right." said Christina, as she giggled.

Moments later...

Before the song ends Damian dips Christina, while also being inches away from her face, in which the two are still looking at each other.

Meanwhile, Kendall is at a far away table, video recording the whole thing.

Kendall squeals like a little girl, while seeing that both Christina and Damian were about to kiss, as everyone in the rest restaurant started to clap for them.

Christina and Damian stopped leaning towards each other.

Both Christina and Damian continue with their date, while arriving back at their table in which Christina forgets to give Damian the photos.

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