Roger hits his forehead, while Bruce was trying to hold his laughter.

"Romero, go outside and tell her!" said Roger, as he whispered while signaling Damian to go to the backyard.

Damian heads to the backyard quickly, closing the sliding door behind him.

"Christina, hey! Listen, uh..." said Damian, as he continued. "The reason why I called you is because, well, I heard Bruce say that he and Tonia are going on a date. So... well, I... I mean we decided to have a double date. I mean, if you're interested, then we can join them if you want."

"Mm hm. Sure I'll love to go on a double date with you, as your date." said Christina, through the phone.

Damian smiles, while making a sigh of relief.

"Great, then I guess I'll see you later, then," said Damian, as he tells her.

"Yeah, so see ya." said Christina, through the phone.

"Yeah, I'll pick you up." said Damian

"Okay." said Christina, through the phone.

After Damian hangs up on Christina's call, Bruce leaves for his house to get ready, while Damian heads to his room to get ready as well.

"Well..." said Roger, as he sighs, while putting his feet on top of the center table. "I guess I'll chill here for now."

"Roger, feet off the center table!" said Damian, as he yelled at Roger from upstairs.

Roger quickly puts his legs down, and sits quietly on the sofa.

Meanwhile Christina drops off Tonia at her house, before going to her own to get ready.

Moments later...

Damian arrives at Christina's house, and opens the door as a gentleman before she enters his car.

"Ma'dam." said Damian, in a french accent.

"Oh, so you're French now?" said Christina, as she joked.

Damian's cheeks turn a shade of pink

"No, I-I-I was just trying to-" said Damian, nervously trying to explain to Christina.

"Oh Damian, I was just messing with you." said Christina, as she smiles at him. "Oui."

Christina enters Damian's vehicle, as Damian swipes his forehead while chuckling nervously.

Minutes later...

As both Christina and Damian arrive at the restaurant in which Bruce and Tonia are already waiting for them at their table.

In their table, Damian sits next to Bruce and across from Christina, while Christina sits next to Tonia across from Damian.

Both dates for looking at each other kind of awkwardly, Damian would be looking at Christina once in a while, in which Christina would look at Damian once in a while as well. Tonia would be looking around the restaurant, while whistling. And Bruce would be playing with his tie.

Tonia decides to finally break the ice in between them.

"Sooo..." said Tonia, as he looks at Bruce and Damian. "How was work?"

"Good, and how about you girls?" said Bruce and Damian, admitting to them. "How was work for you girls?"

"Good." said both Tonia and Christina, as they both smiled. 

Bruce looks at Tonia.

"Tonia, you look wonderful." said Bruce, as he smiles at her.

"Thanks, you look wonderful yourself." said Tonia, as she smiles at him.

"D-Damian, I like your dark gray suit, it matches with your tie." said Christina, stuttering at the beginning.

"Y-Yeah, I mean thank you, I also like your dress as well." said Damian, who also stuttered at the beginning as well.

"Question? Did you guys agree on what color to wear? Because, Damian, you're wearing a gray suit, and Christina you're wearing a dark gray dress." said Bruce, as he points at the two of them.

"What a coincidence." said Christina, as she and Damian looked at each other. "What are the odds!"

"Wow, even with wearing the same exact color, you guys look like a perfect couple." said Tonia, as she smiled at them.

Both Christina and Damian blushed, Damian turned over to Bruce.

"Bruce, your khaki suit does go well with Tonia's light brownish dress." said Damian, as he chuckles.

"Hey, guys don't get me wrong but, you reminded me of coffee out mocha." said Christina, giggling.

Both Tonia and Bruce looked at each other and laughed.

"Okay, maybe you're right." said Tonia, as she chuckled.

"Well speaking of food..." said Bruce, as he looked around at Tonia, Damian, and Christina, "What are we going to order?"

Everyone thought for a moment.

"Oh! I know!" said Christina, as she raised her arm up. "Why doesn't Damian go right into the kitchen and make it something to eat."

"You mean like Kronk?" said Damian

"Yeah, like Kronk from that one Disney movie called The Emperor's New Groove." said Christina, as she looked at him.

"Oh wow... Christina, if you're that desperate for Damian to cook for you, then you should hire him as chef." said Tonia, laughing.

Christina fake smiles at Tonia, before reaching for her side and pinches her hard.

"Ow!" said Tonia, as she jumped up.

"You don't say." said Christina, gritting her teeth together before turning back to Damian. "Thanks, but no thanks, Tonia."

"Calm down, two faces." said Tonia, as she mutters. "It was just a joke."

Both girls turned back to their dates.

Damian signals for a waiter, who arrives. The group finally ordered their meals. Minutes later, after a few conversations, both Christina and Damian start to warm-up with one another.

After finishing eating, Bruce, Christina, Damian, and continue to talk.

Moments later...

Just then, with one of Christina's favorite songs coming on, and seeing the way of how she dances the song on her seat, Damian looks at Christina.

"Christina?" said Damian, as he continued.

"Yes?" said Christina

"Would you like to dance with me?" said Damian, as he reaches out his hand to her.

Christina smiled.

"Sure." said Christina, while taking Damian's hand and walking along with him to the dance floor.

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