"I... It was kind of magical at first, but a little hurtful at the end." said Damian

"Oh, I am..." said Roger, as he started to hold his laughter, while snorting. "So... sorry! Bwah! Ha! Ha!"

And with that, Russel, Bruce, and Roger, bursted out of laughter.

Damian cheeks turn a shade of pink, and leaves the room annoyed, only to be followed by Russel.

"Hey, Damian! He and Christina ever end up together because she feels sorry for you! After those two hits!" said Roger, as he called out to him.

Meanwhile, in Damian's office.

"Damian?" said Russel, as he entered Damian's office.

"Oh, hey Russ, it's just you." said Damian, as he looked back at Russ before sitting in his office chair.

"Are you okay?" said Russel, as he asked Damian.

"I don't know Russ." said Damian, as he sighs. "Over the past few days, I've been feeling something that I have never felt before."

"What do you feel?" said Russel, as he questioned Damian, while sitting down on one of the chairs in front of Damian's office desk.

"I don't know, but I feel that I get really nervous when I'm around Christina." said Damian, as he admits to him. "In which I also hesitate to talk with her, and also I kinda felt a little jealous while she was talking with one of her co-workers named Hank."

Russel's eyes widened.

"Wait, wait, wait." said Russel, as he stops Damian from going any further on the conversation. "Be honest with me here... Damian, does this happen when you're around Christina?"

"E...- Yes?" said Damian, as he admits to Russel.

"Well, congratulations Damian, you're in love!" said Russel, as he calls out to Damian. "Dude, you're like that because you like Christina, and already have feelings for her!"

"Wait, what? B-b-but we just met? How is that even possible?!" said Damian, as he stuttered a bit.

"Beats, me." said Russel, as he shrugged, before teasing Damian. "Hey, you're the one in love, not me. You figure that one out yourself sherlock. But, I'm pretty sure that it was love at first sight."

Russel chuckles, as Damian starts to think.

Meanwhile, in Christina's design room...

Christina admits to Alicia that the next few days are going to be rough, since she is going to work full time on her designs, before their next week of soccer training begins.

"Okay, but don't overwork yourself." said Alicia, as she starts to worry for Christina.

"Relax, I'll be fine." said Christina, as she tells Alicia. "I'm just stuck in a puddle, that's all."

As Christina sits down on her chair, Alicia opens the room's door and realizes that Kendall and Tonia were eavesdropping on their conversation, while seeing them with their ear on the door, after opening the door.

"Chismosas!" said Alicia, as she calls out to Kendall and Tonia, who grin sheepishly.

"Oh, don't give us that look." said Kendall, as she tells Alicia, while brushing herself off from the floor, with Tonia doing the same. "Besides, we're here to stop Christina from being depressed before locking herself out. After all, she did lose her lifelong dream of becoming a designer for Imagine. Now, will you excuse us... We're going to watch the magic happen."

"How?" said Alicia, as she asked them.

"You'll see." said Kendall

Kendall walks into the room with Alicia and Tonia following her from behind. Kendall closes Christina's laptop, before she could even get started and looks at her. Christina looks at Kendall, Alicia, and Tonia in a confused way.

"Okay, listen up! Press!" said Kendall, as she lifts Christina's laptop, and gives it to Alicia. "We're going to have a party at my house, and I want you to come with us."

"Kendall, for the last time... You can't have a party at your apartment, it's too small." said Christina, as she admits to Kendall.

"Not my weekday 24 hours and 5 day apartment." said Kendall, as she explains to Christina. "I'm talking about my weekend home."

"Kendall..." said Christina, as she started to whine. "But, I already had plans this weekend..."

"With your fam?" said Kendall, as she questioned her.

"No, on working on my designs." said Christina

"Woman!" said Kendall, as she tells her. "You need a break, you can't be working 24/7. You'll break down!"

"I know, but I have to." said Christina, as she looked down.

Kendall sighs.

"Then you leave me choice." said Kendall, as she looks at Tonia and Alicia. "Girls, bring out the big guns!"

Alicia, Tonia, and Kendall, started to do the puppy eyes and pout, while quivering their lips together.

"Oh, no! Not the puppy eyes, pout, and quivering lips!" said Christina, as she tries to turn away, but is followed by them in every direction where she would turn. "Stop it! No!"

"The cuteness is gaining the upper hand!" said Kendall

"Fine! I'll go!" said Christina, as she called out. "I'll go, but if I do, don't invite Damian."

"Okay, whatever you say." said Kendall, as she smirked.

However, what Christina doesn't know is that Kendall had already called Damian, inviting over to her party as well along with his friends Bruce and Roger.

Neither Christina or Damian, unknowingly know about Kendall's true plan.

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