"Oooh..." said Roger, as he dragged. "Looks like you made her pain go away."

"Roger." said Bruce, having enough of Roger's jokes, and turns to Damian. "So, man, what are you going to do? Reply to her?"

"I'm going to call her." said Damian, as he got Christina's caller ID. "If she really wants to go out, I can go home, to shower and change."

"Good idea, call her. And let's see what she says." said Roger, as he leaned towards Damian, while he started to call Christina.

"Uh, a little privacy please," said Damian, as he turned to Damian.

"Oop, right sorry, I forgot." said Roger, as he backed away from Damian before picking up another weight, and started to lift it with one hand.

Meanwhile back in Christina's apartment...

Christina's phone rings, with Kendall still holding onto it.

"Crud!" said Kendall, as she quickly puts Christina's phone back to where it was.

While finally hearing her phone ring, due to having trouble listening to her phone ring because of Alicia, Tonia, and Alexis being too loud, Christina reaches her phone without looking at her screen. 

"Girls! Girls, girls. Listen, I know that all of you are trying to get me to ask him out on a date, but I don't think that he'll be interested in...–" said Christina, as she froze while looking at Damian's caller ID, before freaking out. "OH MY GOSH IT'S HIM!!!"

Christina stood up from her seat.

"Oooh" said Tonia, as she started to tease Christina.

"No! No, Oooh! This is bad!" said Christina, as she continued. "What do I do?!"

"Answer him." said Alexis

"Any other ideas?!" said Christina

"Tell him you're busy freaking out." said Tonia, as she grins.

"Oh, geeze, why didn't you think of that?!" said Christina, sarcastically.

"Because, you're literally too busy freaking out." said Tonia, as she chuckles.

"Any other suggestions?" said Christina, as she started to toss her phone like a hot potato.

"Girl, you need to relax. And toss your phone like that or you'll-" said Alicia, as she and the other girls froze, after realizing that Christina accidentally hangs on Damian's call.

"Uh oh." said Tonia, as she and the girls looked at Christina.

"What did you do?!" said Alicia, as she questions Christina.

"I... Um..." said Christina, as she dragged her words.

"You... Um, what?" said Alicia, as she questioned Christina again.

"She hung up on the call," said Alexis, without hesitation.

"Great." said Tonia

"This is bad!" said Christina, as she started to freak out again.

"Woman, what is up with you?!" said Alicia, as she questions Christina.

"What do you mean?" said Christina, as she raised an eyebrow at Alicia.

"What I mean is you shouldn't be acting this way. You're overreacting." said Alicia, as she admits to Christina. "You're acting as if we're trying to set you up with a blind date, but we're not."

"Yeah, we get that you don't have feelings for the guy, so why not ask him for dinner as a thank you." said Tonia, as she continues. "I mean he might not also have feelings for you either. But, one way or another you kind of have to in order to return his sweater to him."

The girls nodded at Tonia's idea.

"You're right. I have to give him his sweater back, one way or another." said Christina, as she finally agrees with them. "Okay, I'm going to call him."

Christina calls Damian who answers.

"Hello?" said Damian, from the other side of the phone.

Christina takes a deep breath.

"Hey, Damian, hi. I was just wondering if you would like to have dinner with me." said Christina, as she tells Damian.

"Yeah, sure. I would love to." said Damian, as he admits to Christina.

"Great, then I'll send you the address." said Christina

"Yeah, sounds good." said Damian, from the other side of the phone.

"Bye." said Christina

"Bye." said Damian, from the other side of the phone.

Christina hangs up on the call, and later looks at the girls.

"So... What happened?" said Alicia, as she asked.

"Yeah, what did he say?" said Alexis, as she asked.

"He said yes." said Christina

"Yes!" said the girls, as they smiled.

"But..." said Christina

"But, what?" said Kendall, as she looked at Christina.

"I don't know what to make?" said Christina

"Ohhh..." said Tonia, as she started to think.

"Right..." said Alicia, as she also starts to think.

"We never thought of that." said Alexis, as she puts her hand on her face.

"Whoops, we were so busy begging Christina, that we have no clue on what to plan out." said Tonia, as she admits.

"Hmm..." said Christina, as she also starts to think along with the girls.

Hours later...

Throughout the whole day in the afternoon, Christina is undecided on what to do.

"I have an idea!" said Kendall, as she tells the girls.

"Let's hear it!" said Alexis

"Gather around girls, this is what we are going to do." said Kendall, with a smirk.

The girls gather around Kendall.

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