Chapter 13

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~Kie's pov~

Lunch was the wrost part at kook academy. Everyone was sitting in groups, they were laughing, chatting and having fun while I had to seat by myself. It wasn't that bad, at least I couldn't hear whisperes about me and the pogues.

I hated how they talked about the pogues, especially John B, Pope and JJ. I got into an argument with some girl when she said something about them. That's when everyone started to hate me and whisper about me.

The biggest mistake I made today was bringing some leftovers from the Wreck for lunch. No one noticed at first until a group of girls from the table next to me decided to say something.

"Looks like they were right when they said that the leftovers end up in the trash" she said so loud that I'm pretty sure the whole island heard her.

Everyone laughed at me.


I couldn't stay there anymore. I got up leaving the unfinished food on the table and run to the bathrooms. I couldn't let what she said affect me. It's stupid. She was just some rich ass kook girl. I never gave a fuck about what they said. Never till now.

I locked the bathroom door and sat against it. I wasn't usually someone who'd loose they're control or cry over stupid shits like that. But I guess people change. I couldn't take this kooks anymore and my parents didn't give a fuck that I don't wanna be here. And I barely saw JJ, Pope or John B.

I had no one so no one will need me.

I searched in the bag between my books and found a pair of scissors we had to use at school today. It wouldn't be the first time I'd do this. Maybe not with scissors.

This was either the worst idea either the only solution. It was gonna hurt. I knew this but it'll also take my mind off. But I promised I will stop. Bullshits. It never stopped. Just one cut. It won't cause much demage.

I was interrupted from my thoughts by a knock on the door. I swear that if it was another kook that wanted to make fun of me I'll use the scissors on them.

"I saw what happened at lunch today" said the voice.

I could recognise the voice easily. It was the kook princess. Sarah Cameron. Everyone liked her and tried to get close to her.

At first I thought she was gonna make fun of me or that her friends send her here.

"Don't worry about that girls" she said.

I didn't say anything. I didn't know what.

"I heard you like turtles" she whispered trough the closed door which confused me. "Do you wanna come with me and help baby sea turtles after school?"

At first I thought it was some kind of stupid joke but she seemed actually nice. I quickly wiped my face with the sleeves of my shirt and unlocked the door.

I was greeted with a soft smile from her. I didn't know what to answer so I just nodded. She reached behind me and gave me the bag that was sitting open on the bathroom floor.

"Maybe we can get some ice cream too" she said curling her arm with mine and dragging me on the school halls. "I like strawberries, you?"

I cleared my throat before talking.

"Chocolate" I said looking around at the other kids.

Some of them looked like they were judging Sarah for staying with me. I felt bad for her but when I turned to look at her she still had her big smile on the face and kept talking about the ice cream like she didn't notice the other kids.

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