Chapter 42: Tourist things

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TW: 9/11

Pov y/n

I look up from my phone when Scarlett enters the living room with a grin on her face. She comes to sit next to me, the grin staying on her face. I put my phone down and give her my full attention. She just brought Rose outside because her dad picked her up for the weekend.

"Is there anything you want?" I ask and raise an eyebrow with at little smirk.

"How would you come to that conclusion?" She asks and dramatically puts her hand above her heart.
I laugh a little at her played offended tone.

"I don't know. So you don't have anything in mind?" I ask and she hums undefined.

"Maybe I do want something." She gives in and I chuckle a little and take one of her hands to intertwine our fingers.

"You know how you arrived here and immediately got a job and everything?" She asks and I nod, not sure what she's on about.

"Exactly, so you were quite busy and on top of that, you live in Brooklyn and come only to Manhattan to visit me." She continues and I nod again, still confused where she wants to go with this.

"So, what you didn't got to do was typical tourist stuff." She concludes and I think about it for a second but nod.

"Apart from taking Rose on that ferry to see the Statue of Liberty, I didn't do any tourist stuff, that's true." I agree and Scarlett nods, shuffling to sit criss-cross.

"So, I thought maybe we could do that together. I could show you around a little. We'd be on a tourist-date." She grins, her eyes sparkling at her own idea, which is quite cute. Of course, I can't help it but to smile as well.

"You would really want to do that with me? I mean it's Saturday, so probably even fuller than on weekdays." I make sure and she nods.

"Yes, I would love to show you around a little. I know it's gonna be full but isn't that part of the experience?" She asks and laughs a little. I chuckle and agree.

"Great! Then get up and ready, so I can show you New York City." She commands with a smile and uncrosses her legs. I salute.
"Yes, ma'am." I say and get up to stand up straight. She laughs at my antics and gives me a kiss on the cheek.

We get ready and put on our shoes and coats. Scarlett decided it'd be easier to take the subway because 'parking is a bitch' in New York. It made me laugh a little but I agreed and now we're on our way to the subway.

In the subway, we have a little talk about how we will handle the expenses today.
Scarlett didn't want to tell me what she has in mind yet but she did tell me it would cost some money.
I honestly appreciate her respecting it a lot. She doesn't mind or judge me for wanting to talk about it and she also doesn't put it off that I don't want her to pay for everything all the time.
We settle on her paying for entrance and stuff like that and I will pay for coffee or snacks. It may be a date but I still don't like the idea of her paying for everything we do since I earn money myself.

We arrive at our first destination and Scarlett takes my hand to lead the way. It's a little cooler today and it's adorable how she's wrapped up in her scarf and hat. Well, it might also help to not be seen by paparazzi or fans. I know Scarlett loves her fans and just as much meeting them but being stopped every few steps can be exhausting.

"The first sight is a little sad and maybe not the best thing to visit on a date but it is something you should definitely visit when you're here." She states and nods ahead.
I take my eyes off her and look at what's in front of us. It's the 9/11 memorial.

I gulp a little, that is indeed not the first thing I'd visit on a date but I agree that it's something one should see when visiting New York.
Scar squeezes my hand a little and I look at her, giving her a little smile. She returns it and we continue our way to the memorial.

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