Chapter 10: Gossip

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Pov y/n

The next day is my day off and I decided to just enjoy my free time, laying in bed and catching up on some shows I started to watch.

Since last night where I watched the sunset with Scarlett, one thought doesn't leave my mind: am I really starting to fall for her?
I only met her a little over one week ago and we only saw each other two times since then.

Is it possible to fall for someone this quick?
Or is it maybe just a wish?
I don't know why it would be but maybe that's a possibility?

I sigh.
Why is it so hard to accept that I might have feelings for Scarlett?
I mean, she is great in every way.
But she also has a kid and opened up to me about being careful who she introduces into Rose's life.

I know she won't just start dating me. Besides, I don't even know if she likes women. Just because she supports LGBTQ, doesn't mean she is a part of it. But on the other hand, she did come of slightly flirty yesterday.
Or am I interpreting too much into this because I wish she would feel similar to me?

I let my head drop back into the pillow before looking back at the screen, watching the totally forgotten show on there. I keep my focus on the screen, not wanting to overthink my whole situation again.

When my phone vibrates, I pick it up and see my friend Kelly send me a link.

Internally I roll my eyes as it's probably just some gossip about some celebrity. Kelly loves reading those kind of articles and always knows what's going on, who's dating who, which couple split up and who just got a child.
I honestly don't care about all of that. Those people are just normal humans and deserve privacy.
I know I can't really change that they are followed by paparazzi or that there are articles about them but I still feel like I give them their privacy due to not reading those articles.

Seeing it from my perspective, I also wouldn't want my private life to be discussed in the media, it's no one's business but mine and same goes for celebrities. Their life isn't my business, so why read every little detail about it?

I choose to ignore the link and go back to watching my show. When my phone vibrates again, I almost huff and read Kelly's message that tells me I have to look at this. This time I don't ignore it and write her back.

Y/n: You know, I'm not interested in this kind of gossip

Kelly: I know but this one is different

Y/n: In what way?

Kelly: It's about you

I stare at Kelly's last message in disbelieve. How can there be an article about me? I didn't do anything and no one knows who I am.
My interest is awaken now and I follow the link which leads me, who would have known, to a gossip page with the headline: Scarlett Johansson, seen with an unknown woman.

Underneath there are a few pictures, showing a bench in front of a beach. The sun sets in the background. On the bench there are two people but only the backs of their heads are visible.
The next picture is from a different angle. This time I recognize Scarlett's face. It's a little fuzzy but it's her.
My face isn't really visible in this picture but I know it's me next to her on that bench. The last picture shows us a bit earlier when Scarlett was hugging me.
I start to read the article.

Scarlett Johansson has been seen with an unknown woman. They were spotted in the Marine Park Salt Marsh Nature Trail. The first two pictures show them on a bench, watching the sunset. They're sitting close together which leads to the believe, that they know each other quite well. Both seem happy and caught up in the moment.
The last picture shows them earlier that day, where we can see Scarlett Johansson hugging this unknown woman.
It's not clear who she is but they seem to know each other quite well.
Now we wonder, who is this mysterious woman? And what has she to do with Scarlett Johansson? Are they just friends or more?

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