Chapter 94: I will always protect you

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A/n: Surprise update! It's my birthday and I love reading all your comments so this is a present for me and for you <3

TW: physical fight, injuries

Pov y/n

The next day, Scarlett brought Rose to school and picked up the lotion on her way back.
I decided to stay home and just have some time to myself.
I took a bath, keeping my arm out of the water of course and after that I read a little until Scarlett came home.

She gently helped me to unwrap the bandage from my arm and I could see concern washing over her face when she saw my arm.
But it really looks worse than it is and it doesn’t really hurt anymore either.

She carefully applied the lotion and put a new bandage around it, which she was honestly pretty skilled at.
Maybe it’s because of the many skills she learns during shooting movies or because she’s a mother.

She had an interview later on, so our ways parted and while she was driving somewhere, I took the subway to Brooklyn to surprise Jesse in the coffeeshop.

He was thrilled to see me and whenever he had nothing to do, he talked to me and we caught up a little.
I was surprised to hear that his boyfriend almost proposed to him.
Only almost though because before he could go out and buy a ring, Jesse told him that he would love to get married but maybe they should wait just a little longer before doing so.

So, instead of an engagement ring, he got a promise ring that he showed me proudly.
It made me think of my own situation and for a moment I thought about if proposing to Scarlett might be a little too soon but I got rid of that thought because we already talked about it and we are both ready to take the next step.

All that’s left to do now, is for one of us to propose and I am looking forward to do so.
I don’t have a ring yet but I have a date in mind where I would like to propose. Just thinking about it made me nervous and excited.

With that thought in the back of my head, I spent the next day in the city, looking for rings.
Maybe a little early, compared to when I plan on proposing but being prepared is everything.

And turns out, it may be good that I started ring shopping already because I didn’t find anything and I went to a lot of stores.
Not nearly all of them within New York but enough to exhaust me, my eyes having seen enough sparkling rings and price tags for one day.

Another thing I kinda underestimated is, how expensive rings are.
I mean yeah, I knew they aren’t cheap but holy guacamole, that is a lot of money.

I have some spare money each month but as I told Scarlett, I wanted to buy a TV from that money.
Well, at least until now. I kinda forgot that engagement rings are so expensive but it’s okay, I will use the money I have saved up for the TV plus the money I’ll make this month.

Because, if we’re honest, getting engaged to Scarlett is way more important than having a TV.

The following week, I went back to work and Brooke, Jordan and Brandon were also back.
I was happy for them that they got to dive around the ocean but I am also happy they didn’t rub it under my nose because a tiny part of me is jealous, even if I don’t want to.

We analyzed the water and sand samples and slowly moved forward with out project.
Even though it’s not diving, it is honestly kinda fun and very interesting to analyze the water and all and once more I am glad I took this job.

Now it’s Saturday and we decided to go to the park because Rose had a lot of energy this morning that she needs to get out.
So, after breakfast we put our shoes on and took some jackets with us, just in case it gets a little chilly.

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