Chapter 3: Goodbye for now

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Pov y/n

The next few hours are calm and Scarlett goes back to reading, checking on her sleeping daughter every once in a while.
I also go back to reading but get out my laptop to see which hotel I could check in.

It’s not like I haven’t looked that up before but I never settled on one. Now I have to though because I don’t want to sleep on a bench tonight.

My eyebrow raise a little in concentration and I start comparing different hotels. I have a few savings that should cover the expenses for a little while but I still don’t want to spend too much money each night.
Hopefully I’ll soon find a job and can afford a small apartment.
My eyes fly over the screen and with a silent sigh, I decide on a hotel and book a room before closing my laptop.

Scarlett’s eyes lay on me and I look up at her. She tilts her head to the side a little, a silent question.

“Just, hotel rooms are expensive in New York.” I explain and put the laptop back in my backpack. She nods.

“That’s very true. Do you know where you will work?” She asks. I nibble on my lip a little while I think before I shake my head.

“Not yet, I’ll try to get a job as soon as I’m there. It’ll probably be something small first or maybe two part-time jobs. I just need it to be enough to be able to rent a small place.” I share my thoughts and she nods in understanding.

“I’d suggest you go to a coffeeshop, they often look for help.” She offers a piece of her mind and I smile a little at her honest thoughts.

“That’s actually a really good idea, thank you.” I smile and she returns it.

“You’re welcome. I hope you will find something quick.” She replies.
Her honest and caring tone is sweet and makes my heart fill with warmth.
She doesn’t even know me but still offers advice and seems to be genuine in what she says, I really appreciate that.

“Yeah, me too.” I say and look at her for a few more seconds before we’re interrupted by Rose moving in Scarlett’s lap.
Her eyes dart down to her daughter to see if everything is alright.

Rose slowly opens her eyes and blinks at the light that hits her eye. She rubs them and stretches a little before cuddling more into her mother, still sleepy from her nap.
Scarlett kisses her daughter’s hair and brushes a hand over it. For a few minutes Rose seems to fall back into a light sleep.

I watch them with an adoring smile.
It’s obvious how much Scarlett loves her daughter and their interaction is the sweetest. Scarlett catches my gaze and looks at me in question.

“Rose is adorable.” I say, explaining myself. Scarlett nods and looks down to her daughter for a second.

“She is and she is my little sunshine.” Her voice is full of love and her eyes sparkle when she speaks about her daughter. I nod in agreement and she smiles at me when she sees me nodding.

Rose stirs awake again and opens her eyes completely this time. She stays cuddled into her mom but smiles at me, which I return.

“Mommy, when are we there?” She asks and tilts her head to look up at her mother in question. Scarlett looks at her watch and then the announcement board of the train.

“We should arrive in about half an hour.” She answers and Rose nods, a smile spreading on her face and she bounces a little on Scarlett’s lap. Rose looks to me.

“Will you get out then as well?” She asks.

“Yes, I will.” I answer and Rose nods, taking the answer in.

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