Chapter 67: Snow

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Pov y/n

The park is quite full but we find a nice spot and stop there. I'm currently pulling the sledge with Rose on it. Rose is in her snowsuit again and looks adorable, the hat pulled down a little further to keep her ears warm and gloves keep her hands warm.

There isn't much left of her that's not covered but it looks so cute. Scarlett is also dressed in a warm jacket, snow boots, a hat, gloves and a scarf. She has her hands in her jacket pockets to keep them extra warm.
On her face there is a happy smile and she watches me and Rose discuss which would be the best way to slide down the hill.
Rose looks at me in doubt when I point out the way I'd suggest.

"But my way looks like it's faster." She argues and eyes the hill again.
I look at her way as well and slowly nod.

I agree with her and she directs the sledge before sitting down on it.
She looks up at me and I tilt my head in question. She pads the space behind her and with a smile I sit behind her. Rose puts her feet up onto the sledge and I can see Scarlett pulling out her phone before I give us a little push and put my feet up as well.
I hold onto the sledge, my arms on either side of Rose to keep her safe.

She cheers when we slide down the hill and I laugh, this is fun!
I use my feet to slow us down before we bump into anything or anyone and get off the sledge when we're standing. Rose stays seated and grins up at me, making puppy dog eyes at me.

"Can you pull me up again? Pleaseee?" She drags out and I sigh a little but smile and nod.

She cheers and claps before holding onto the sledge again. While I'm pulling her up, I see Scarlett holding her phone up and pointing it at us. I wave to her and know she's smiling but can't see it from the distance.
When we arrive up on the hill again, I'm slightly out of breath and take a second to catch it. Scarlett grins a bit and takes a picture of me. I shoot her a playful glare but she just throws me an air kiss that I roll my eyes at but catch.

"Again, Mama!" Rose exclaims and pads the sledge behind her again.
I nod and sit behind her, holding on and pushing us off the hill again. Rose laughs and cheers as we slide down the hill and I laugh as well and stop before we crash into a tree.

"That was fun!" She says and claps her hands excitedly. I nod.
"It was and we were so fast!" I agree and get off, so we can go up again.
Once again, Rose looks at me with big eyes.

"Can you pull me up again?" She asks and I raise my eyebrows but smile.

"Did you only ask me to join you on the ride down, so that I would pull you back up?" I ask and Rose giggles a bit, answering my question with that.
"And because it is fun." She adds. I narrow my eyes a little but keep the smile on my lips so she knows I'm not really mad.

"You're sneaky." I say and pull her hat into her face. She laughs and pushes it back up. I take the rope and pull her back up.

"How about you ask your mom to ride down with you next time?" I suggest and Rose nods, agreeing to my suggestion. We arrive back up on the hill and I open my jacket, feeling warm from pulling her up the hill. Scarlett watches me, a slightly scolding look on her face.

"Just for a moment to cool off." I explain and she nods.

"Will you slide down with me, Mommy?" Rose asks and I smirk to myself.
Scarlett puts her phone away and nods. I watch them get settled on the sledge and pull out my own phone to take a picture before putting it away again.

This time Scarlett gives them the push and I watch as they slide off the hill. Rose's laughter is heard up to here and I smile.
But the smile fades when I notice the sledge tilting slowly to one side until it tips over and both land in the snow, sliding a few more meters down the hill.

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