Chapter 11: I'm famous

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TW: panic attack

Pov y/n

I look at Scarlett. She looks serious but her expression is also soft.

"Yes, we do." I agree and she nods. She takes a deep breath and starts.

"I'm famous. I don't know if you knew who I was when we met or if you know now..." She looks at me askingly and I nod slowly.

"When I met you on the train, I didn't know who you are. I actually didn't know until this morning, when a friend sent me an article about us." I share and Scarlett seems to think about my words before she nods.

"So, you didn't know that I'm an actress when we met in the train or the park?" She asks, now sounding more curious.

"No. You did seem familiar but I couldn't pinpoint it." I answer honestly and shrug my shoulders. Scarlett's smile grows and she seems genuinely happy about that.

"Well, I suppose that explains why you treated me like a normal person. Don't get me wrong, I love my fans and everything, it's just...sometimes it's nice to be treated normal, you know?" Her eyes search for mine and I look into hers. There are so many emotions swirling around in them right now and I can't quite tell them apart.

"Yeah, I guess I know what you mean but either way I would have treated you like I did. It wouldn't have mattered if you are famous or not, the way I talked to you and behaved, would have been the same." I say truthfully and see surprise in her eyes.

"Are you sure?" She asks, something like hope swinging in her voice.
I'm a little confused why hope but as long as it's something positive, I don't mind. I think about her question a few seconds though before I nod.

"Yes, of course. After all, you're a human just like everyone else." I try to explain my mindset.

"That really means a lot to me, thank you. Does that also mean, you will still treat me as you always did? Even though you know now that I am a celebrity?" She asks almost shyly.

It feels like a weight is lifted off my heart at her words because they indicate that I will see her again and that she won't drop me and pretend like we never met.

"Yes. It doesn't change who you are as a person and it also doesn't change any of the things we talked about. I just know your last name yet as well." I joke and Scarlett chuckles at that and lets out a breath of relief .

"Thank you, that really means a lot to me because I like spending time with you and I like the dynamic between us and would have found it sad if that changed." She explains and smiles softly at me.

Her smile and her words make little butterflies appear in my stomach. She likes spending time with me! And the dynamic between us, which I'm not quite sure about how she sees it but still.

I look into her eyes that are always so kind and still see a lot of uncertainty on the depths of the green oceans. For a few seconds I forget that I should probably reply something and concentrate back on the current situation.

"I really like hanging around with you too." I say. Wow, smart answer, not at all obvious that I just got lost in her eyes.

"The only thing that might change a little is that I will a bit more careful in public with you and Rose." I add and Scarlett nods, her eyes losing a little bit of sparkle.

"Right, the reason I wanted to talk to you." She says and bites her lip in nervousness. Her eyes dart around the room a little as she seems to be thinking about what to say next. When her eyes settle on me, she takes a deep breath and starts.

"When you're in any way famous, there are always paparazzi, trying to get a picture of you, no matter where you are or what you're doing. Privacy isn't something they know. They just want to get a story for the gossip and are more than willing to come up with something that is false in every way. People love gossip and tend to quickly believe the media. I have a management that takes care of most of it but some things evolve faster than we can handle. That's why I'm careful in public. Luckily, the media respects that I don't want Rose to be in those pictures, most of the time. I just don't want her to be part of this gossip world, especially not when she's this young. I honestly forgot about paparazzi yesterday when we were outside and I slipped." She explains and fiddles with a ring on her finger, clearly nervous.

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