Chapter 72: Goodbye

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A/n: Happy Halloween everybody 🎃
I hope you'll have a fun day :D

Pov y/n

When you don't want a certain day to arrive, it feels like it rushes by in super speed, at least that's what happened over the past week. I was kinda busy with work and putting furniture together and spending as much time with Scarlett as possible, that it just flew by and now the day is here.

The knot in my throat tightens involuntarily and I try to take a deep breath to contain myself.
I glance over to my side, to look at Scarlett, who also doesn't seem as happy as she usually does. Rose walks between us and is unusually quiet, she either is sad as well or senses that the mood is a little down right now. I wish I could be in a better mood for her but this is just hard.

Scarlett and I aren't together that long now, about three months but we spent so much time together and I already love her so much, that imagining her being across the country hurts my heart.
She has to leave today and as much as I dreaded this day, it is now here. It's not that I think we can't handle this, it's just that it will be hard. Scarlett already gave her suitcase to be put in the plane, so now the next thing to do is say goodbye.

I press my lips together, worried they might tremble otherwise. When I see the security, I know it's time and my heart aches a little at what's about to come.
Scarlett stops and so do Rose and I. She seems sad as well and I can see her eyes watering a bit but there's no tear, yet.
Rose looks up at her mom and Scarlett smiles and crouches down, pulling Rose into a long hug. She peppers her face in kisses and Rose giggles a little, which makes my heart a tiny bit lighter.

"I love you so, so much, my sweetheart. We will call and facetime whenever you want and it's possible. I will only be gone three months and in between, you can come visit me, we just have to see how you're getting to LA and who goes with you. I will come back after it's all done, don't worry." She says and wraps her arms around Rose's back, keeping her close. Rose nods and looks at her mother. She nods in understanding and smiles a little but I can still see the sadness in her eyes.

"I love you too, Mommy." She replies and plays with the strands of Scar's hoodie. "Can I ask Dad to call you when I can't sleep?"
The question is so pure and innocent that it only adds to my emotions and I have to hold back a little noise. Scarlett tugs some hair behind Rose's ear.

"Of course, baby. I just can't promise you that I'll pick up right away because for me it's gonna be earlier but I will definitely answer as soon as I can. And maybe your dad can also help you fall asleep." She offers and Rose hums and nods a little.

"But you are better." She insists, making Scarlett smile.

"I will try my very best, okay?" Scar says and Rose nods before hugging her mom. Scar kisses her head and waves her hand through her daughter's hair.

"I will miss you." Rose whispers and I hear a little sniffle.

"I will miss you too." Scar replies and when they let go, I can see she does her best to hold back her tears.

I never thought about it but this probably isn't a new situation for the both of them. Scarlett shoots a few movies during the year and probably has to leave Rose at her dad's for that, so saying goodbye maybe is something they do more often than I realize. It still seems to be hard on the both of them, which I totally understand.

Rose gives her mom a kiss before stepping away and letting me say goodbye. She brought her octopus, Mr. Mouve, in her little backpack and now gets him out to hug him. I turn to look at Scarlett, who gets up and turns to me. With a few quick steps I am in front of her and wrap my arms tightly around her, burying my head in her hair that smell so familiar. She holds me tight as well and nuzzles her head a little into my shoulder.

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